This image shows a short series of traces (with color) viewed with the current Reconstruct.jar.
This image shows a snapshot from the Windows version of Reconstruct and a snapshot of the current Java version (as of this commit). The snapshots were taken from two different versions ( and Java) running on two different computers (Windows and Linux) using the same image files and XML files. The image snapshots were not perfectly registered (but close). The Java version shows traces as wide red strokes. The version shows the same traces as thin multi-colored strokes. The images were scaled down for size and this reduced the already thin multi-colored strokes. Note that this Java version used manual trace scaling to verify that the XML data is being correctly read. The application of the XML transforms has yet to be completed in the code.
- Obtain a copy of BezierTracing.jar (either by downloading, or by building with make).
- Double click on BezierTracing.jar (or run it with: java -jar BezierTracing.jar).
- Start a trace by RIGHT clicking. A white dot should appear as your starting point.
- Move (not drag) the mouse to the next point and LEFT click to add the second point.
- With only two points, you'll get a line with two endpoints and two "handles" between them.
- Again move (not drag) the mouse to the next point and click again. Another segment will appear.
- NOTE: Each new point (click) will affect the previous segment. That's OK.
- Complete the trace with a RIGHT click on either the start point or the end point (see following).
- If you complete a trace by RIGHT clicking on the first (start) point, the trace will be closed to that point.
- If you complete a trace by RIGHT clicking on the last (end) point, the trace will remain open.
- Right click to start a trace (white dot appears).
- Left click to add sequential points (no dragging needed).
- Right click to end a trace.
- When not creating a trace, the left button performs "click and drag" on all points and handles.