A repository containing assemblies which are required to enable expression evaluation for Synergy .NET debugging on Unix environments.
How to use:
- Ensure that dotnet is installed in the Unix environment. The following link contains information about how to install .NET depending on your Unix distribution: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/install/linux
- For unspported distributions, you will need to follow the manual install instructions: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/install/linux-scripted-manual#manual-install
- After .NET is installed, ensure an initial remote debugging has been done from Visual Studio to the Unix environment, which should create folder: $HOME/.vs-debugger/vs2022
- Checkout or copy this repository to the Unix environment
- Run CopyDebuggerFiles.sh
- Expression evaluation should be enabled when remote debugging Synergy .NET programs running in the UNIX environment