A huge collection of educational channels in the field of programming and learning paths to build software applications in various languages around the world
This group contains everything that we can find distinctive and useful, and all the educational programming channels shared by the contributors, whether free or paid. All this content is organized under folders that refer to the language of the courses.
Please make sure to write correct description of the channel’s content and place it in the correct folder for the language. You can also add any paid or free content, but pay attention to placing it under the folder of the language in which this course was conducted, and to any educational path to follow ( web, mobile,desktop ..etc), other educational paths can be added as well as other languages In the absence of it
The Syrian Open Source platform is the first platform on GitHub dedicated to bringing Syrian developers from different cultures and experiences together, to work on projects in different languages, tasks, and versions, and works to attract Syrian developers to contribute more under one platform to open source software, work on it, and issue it with high quality and advanced engineering features, which It stimulates the dissemination of the open-source concept in the Syrian software community, and also contributes to raising the efficiency of developers by working on distributed systems and teams.