As a college student, it is easy to suffer from information overload when taking several courses simultaneously. Erudition serves as a platform to help students organize and manage their learning materials. It is a simple, easy-to-use, and free platform that allows students to manage their coursework and schedules in one place.
Course Management - Create, edit, and view material for your courses with custom formatting and image embedding.
Schedule Management - View and manage your timeline for the semester to ensure that you are always on time to complete your coursework.
Discussion Board - Communicate with other users taking the same courses to share notes and ask questions.
Relax Yourself - All work and no play can severely harm your efficiency. Erudition allows you to engage with interactive media to take some much needed time off.
Erudition is built on the following tech stack:
- React & Next 13 (Frontend)
- PostgreSQL & Supabase (Backend & Authentication)
- Tailwind CSS (CSS Framework)
The website is designed to be mobile-friendly (responsive) and can be run on almost any device with a web browser.
- Landing page
- Click on user profiles and see all information
- Word Search, snake and more games in the "Distract" section
- Auto generate a number of assignments (daily, weekly, monthly)
... more features to come in the future