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Releases: TAKETODAY/today-infrastructure


06 Jul 03:34
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  • 🐛 修复 Configuration 遗漏配置问题


25 Jun 05:06
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TODAY Context 3.0


⚡ 优化 BeanProperty 添加 GenericDescriptor
🐛 修复 NumberConverter stringSource 为空时 null 转换问题
⚡ 优化 布尔 转换问题 StringToBooleanConverter
⚡ 优化 DefaultConversionService 添加 对 null 值的处理
⚡ 优化 ContextUtils#resolveInitMethod
⚡ 优化 EL 表达式性能


10 Jun 04:58
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TODAY Context 3.0



Maven Central

🐛 fix handleDependency 并发修改


01 Jun 15:34
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TODAY Context v3.0.RELEASE



Maven Central

  • ✨ 新增 BeanProperties 工具类
  • ✨ 新增 StringToBytesConverter
  • ✨ 新增 GenericDescriptor#ofParameter
  • ⚡ 解决 原型Bean 依赖循环 initializeBean
  • ⚡ 解决 其他scope Bean 依赖循环 initializeBean
  • ✨ 新增 IgnoreDuplicates 忽略重复注册 bean
  • ⚡ 添加 新特性 BeanPropertyAccessor#throwsWhenReadOnly
  • ⚡ 重新设计property 异常体系
  • ✨ 添加 FunctionConstructor,SupplierConstructor
  • ⚡ 反射工具类新增 获取getter setter方法 修复newPropertyAccessor
  • ⚡ 添加 BeanMapping 相当于 BeanMap
  • ⚡ 修复 bean destroy 逻辑
  • 🔥 Deprecated SetterSupport
  • 🔥 Deprecated BeanReference
  • ⚡ 大量优化 AbstractBeanFactory
  • ⚡ 大量优化 反射体系
  • 🐛 修复 Aop 在没有拦截器模式下生成的子类错误问题


01 May 05:14
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TODAY Context v3.0.RELEASE



Maven Central

🐛 修复 createObjectFactoryDependencyProxy 非接口的问题
🔥 delete Deprecated method
🐛 修复 ParameterFunction

TODAY Context v3.0.0.RELEASE

29 Apr 08:02
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TODAY Context v3.0.0.RELEASE



Maven Central


  • ✨ 新增 BeanProperty BeanMetadata 提供高性能访问对象属性

  • ⚡ EL表达式 新增 handlePropertyNotResolved 极大的提高了扩展性

  • 🔨 重构 Aop 引入了 Spring API

  • ✨ 对泛型的支持

  • DataBinder

  • ✨ 添加 BeanPropertyAccessor 支持对对象属性的访问和设置

  • 🔨 重构了整个转换器机制,引入 ConversionService

  • 🔨 重构了 bean 初始化逻辑,提升了性能

  • 🐛 fix: loadBeanDefinition can't be catch exception

  • 🐛 fix: ContextUtils#loadProps() only support String

  • 🐛 fix: #11 JarEntryResource#getJarFilePath(String) jar file not found

  • ✨ feat: 使用方法名作为默认实例名称

  • 🔨 重构FactoryBean注册逻辑

  • 🔨 重构BeanFactory获取Bean的逻辑

  • ✨ 利用cglib构建了真正的原型实例

  • ✨ 增加导入配置(@import)功能

  • ✨ 去除ClassUtils的classesCache,在应用环境下可能会使用到相同class

  • ✨ ConfigurableBeanFactory添加registerBean(BeanDefinition)方法

  • ✨ ContextUtils添加loadFromMetaInfo(String)统一加载META-INF下的类

  • ⚡ 重构DefaultBeanNameCreator提升性能

  • ✨ 6.添加StandardBeanDefinition#mergeAnnotations()方法来合并注解

  • ✨ StandardBeanFactory实现BeanDefinitionLoader接口作为默认bean加载器原本的默认加载器被丢弃不在使用

  • ⚡ 优化StandardEnvironment获取BeanNameCreator逻辑

  • ⚡ 优化AutowiredPropertyResolver不必要的局部变量

  • ⚡ 优化AbstractBeanFactory#containsBeanDefinition(Class,boolean)

  • ✨ 添加ExecutableParameterResolver增强构造器注入或方法注入的扩展性

  • ✨ 添加 Method Invoker

  • 🐛 修复#13注解扫描不完全

  • ✨ 添加日志包适配主流日志框架

  • ✨ 添加ApplicationEventCapable接口,提高扩展性

  • ✨ 添加BeanDefinition#setInitMethods(String[])

  • 🐛 修复重大漏洞:el执行期间潜在的并发问题

  • 🐛 修复bean实例重复创建

  • ✨ 新增ComponentScan支持自定义扫描包

  • ✨ 支持ApplicationContextSupport

  • ✨ 支持任意事件类型

  • ⚡ 优化循环依赖问题

  • ✨ 实现 DestructionBeanPostProcessor

  • 🔨 重构 使用CandidateComponentScanner加载类

  • ✨ 新增PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver

  • ✨ 添加ClassUtils#getQualifiedMethodName

  • ⚡ 优化AnnotationAttributes

  • ⚡ 优化ContextUtils

  • 🐛 修复listener顺序问题

  • 🐛 修复META-INFO/beans

  • 🐛 修复bean实例重复创建

  • ✨ 新增StringUtils#parseParameters()

  • ⚡ 优化Resource

  • ⚡ 优化toArray

  • ⚡ 优化AntPathMatcher

  • ✨ 新增OrderedSupport

  • ✨ 新增CandidateComponentScannerCapable

  • ⚡ 优化Resource

  • ✨ 增加Assert,MultiValueMap

  • ✨ 新增ImportAware

  • ✨ 将aop整合进来

  • 🔨 重大重构: 大量代码优化,重构,更正测试代码

  • ✨ 新增AbstractFactoryBean

  • ✨ 新增Spring AttributeAccessor

  • ✨ 新增BeanClassLoaderAware

  • 🔨 重构Condition

  • ✨ 新增BeanFactoryPostProcessor

  • 🔥 除去MessageFactory

  • ✨ 新的反射API

  • 🐛 修复ResourceUtils#getResource文件路径带有转义字符时的错误

  • ⚡ 优化AutoProxyCreator, CandidateComponentScanner, AbstractApplicationContext, PropertyValueResolver, ExecutableParameterResolver, StandardBeanFactory, AbstractCacheInterceptor, AspectsDestroyListener

  • ⚡ 新增Environment#getFlag

  • ⚡ 优化ContextUtils#resolveInitMethod

  • ⚡ 减少lombok依赖

  • ⚡ 优化加载过程

  • ✨ 支持使用Autowired方法注入

  • ⚡ 优化RedissonCache

  • 📝 优化部分Javadoc

  • ⚡ 优化扫描日志

  • ⚡ 优化PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver

  • ⚡ 优化AbstractAdvice代码

  • ⚡ 优化cglib

  • ⚡ 优化Environment初始化顺序

  • ✨ 新的反射API

  • ✨ ClassUtils#ParameterFunction可开启参数检查

  • ⚡ 重构PropertyValueResolver

  • 🐛 修复findTargetAttributes死循环

  • ✨ 新的AutowireCapableBeanFactory接口
    -:zap: 新ReflectionUtils反射API


23 Jul 17:42
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TODAY Context v2.1.6.RELEASE



Maven Central

  • ✨ feat: add Environment new api to get property
  • ✨ feat: add jar-prefix file to ignore jar scanning
  • 🐛 fix: ensure ExpressionFactory's instance consistent
  • 🐛 fix: DataSize.parse()
  • ⚡ add ConcurrentProperties
  • 🐛 fix #3 when get annotated beans that StandardBeanDefinition missed
  • 🐛 fix: NumberUtils String[].class can't be resolve
  • ✨ feat: full Prototype supports (only support interface)
  • ✨ feat: full Prototype Lifecycle supports (destroy bean after every single call)
  • 🐛 fix: can not access a member
  • 🐛 fix: can't getMethodArgsNames
  • 🐛 fix: ELProcessor not process
  • ✨ feat: lazy loading
  • 🐛 fix: no constructor
  • unify date format
  • ✨ feat: add Resource api
  • ✨ feat: add ResourceFilter to filter Resource
  • 🐛 fix: #6 Properties not found
  • 🐛 fix: ConfigurationException detail message
  • ✨ feat: add TypeConverter,StringTypeConverter api
  • 🔧 move jar-prefix to META-INF/jar-prefix
  • ✨ feat: Props nested class feature
  • 🐛 fix: #7 The bean is not initialized due to the startup sequence not found
  • ✨ feat: add new annotations: ConditionalOnClass, ConditionalOnExpression,ConditionalOnMissingClass,ConditionalOnProperty,ConditionalOnResource
  • 🐛 fix: #8 Property inject failure
  • 🐛 fix: NumberUtils#toArrayObject()
  • 🐛 fix: @SInCE 2.1.6 elManager my be null
  • ✨ feat: @value default value feature
  • ✨ feat: add @env
  • ✨ feat: add META-INF/beans to avoid scan all jar file
  • ✨ feat: Use static method ContextUtils#getApplicationContext() to get ApplicationContext
  • 🐛 fix: #9 Some listener in a jar can't be load
  • 🐛 fix: #10 classes loading from a jar can't be load
  • 🔖 release v2.1.6 2019/7/24-1:37


07 Mar 05:13
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TODAY Context v2.1.5.RELEASE


  • feat: Add context state feature
  • fix: StandardEnvironment.addActiveProfile() when add profile before load context it is not work
  • feat: support Constructor injection
  • adjust: Adjust context event
  • feat: Enhance Props
  • feat: Add el support
  • fix: When manually load context some properties can't be loaded
  • fix: el Messages resource bundle not found


06 Feb 11:21
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TODAY IOC Framework v2.1.2.RELEASE


  • Use BeanNameCreator to create bean name
  • refactor FactoryBean
  • fix: handleDependency(): when handle dependency some bean definition has already exist
  • fix: same name of bean when applyPropertyValues() cause exception
  • feat: add initMethods feature
  • feat: add destroyMethods feature
  • feat: add @MissingBean feature


15 Nov 13:24
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TODAY IOC Framework v2.1.0.RELEASE