tananis.github.io - Cosmic Portfolio Project Description This is the new version of my personal portfolio website, themed around the cosmos. It showcases my graphic art, JavaScript effects, learning journey, and various practice exercises. The website combines artistic elements with interactive features, offering an engaging experience while presenting my creative works and technical skills.
Installation and Usage Clone or download the project:
git clone https://github.com/TANANIS/tananis.github.io.git After unzipping the files, open the folder which contains HTML, CSS, and JS files.
Open the index.html file in a web browser to view the site.
To modify styles or interactive features, edit the corresponding CSS and JS files.
Features Cosmic Design: The website is visually themed around space and the universe. Artwork Showcase: Displays various personal art pieces and creative projects. Interactive Effects: JavaScript-driven space-themed animations and interactive elements. Learning Journey: Chronicles my personal development and learning process. Practice Exercises: Includes various coding challenges and practice tasks that helped build my skills. Technologies and Tools HTML: Used for building the structure of the website. CSS: Applied for styling, layout, and creative design elements. JavaScript: Implemented for interactive effects, animations, and technical practice exercises.
重新合併/分割JS.css功能 懶讀取功能新增
新增搜尋功能 首次嘗試連接sql資料庫
重新製作了portfolio-Ver2版,完成卡片區塊,尚未實裝。 重新製作作品集分區 現在作品點開時將顯示,詳細頁面區:選擇幾個關鍵項目,展示詳細的案例研究,說明問題、解決方案和結果。 完成作品-音樂播放器與其他作品集頁面功能
完成貪吃蛇頁面 完成PPT 作品集導覽介紹(精華簡介) 3. 移除不必要的分頁和內容
- 移除重複的「持續更新」卡片,保留一些具有代表性的內容。
- 合併分頁:將一些較小的頁面內容整合到主頁或其他主要頁面中,例如「學習日記」可以作為主頁的一部分展示,而不是單獨分頁。 4.重新規劃主頁布局
- 設計精華展示區域:這個區域應該放在主頁的靠前位置,包含最重要的內容(如遊戲、學習資源、最新作品等)。 將自我介紹卡片區新增圓餅圖,用來展示圓餅圖css/js特效製作能力
更新排程: 重新排版主頁
新增搜尋功能 優化網站圖片讀取速度
連接上伺服器 將幾款遊戲上線 1.轉盤功能 購物車功能
/主要網頁資料夾 /css bodyMain.css card.css footer.css mobileStyle.css navStyle.css newsStyle.css registerModal.css stylePortfolio.css welcomeFeatured.css /js main.js portfolio.js /img PIC(1).jpg PIC(2).jpg PIC(1).png /LearningDiary /LearningDiary scripts.js LDstyle.css csharp.html python.html unity.html html.html /portfolioWEB blog.html E-Commerce.html firework.html forloop.html Media.html Music.html secretGarden.html shopping.html SocialMedia.html TV.html yourlife.html contact.html index.html LearningDiary.html MGsnake.html mini-game.html portfolio.html viewport.html