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📦 Extensions for HttpClient and Custom Repository based on dapper

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Extensions for HttpClient and Custom Repository based on dapper

This is the component, works on .NET Core and.NET Framework


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Platform Support

RepositoryHelpers is a .NET Standard 2.0 library.

Database/Dapper Extensions

Use the connection class to define the type of database and connection string

 var connection = new Connection()
     Database = RepositoryHelpers.Utils.DataBaseType.SqlServer, //RepositoryHelpers.Utils.DataBaseType.Oracle
     ConnectionString = "Your string"

Create a CustomRepository of the type of object you want to return

  var Repository = new CustomRepository<User>(conecction);

Mapping with Attributes:

[DapperIgnore] // Property will be ignored in select, insert and update
public string InternalControl { get; set; }
[PrimaryKey] // Primary key
public int MyCustomId { get; set; }
[Identity] //Indicates that the primary key has some identity, sequence or auto increment
public int MyBdIdIndentity { get; set; }

//You can optionally map the name of the Database table that refers to the entity
public class Products
    public int Id { get; set; }

Mapping with FluentMapper:

Install and use the Dapper.FluentMap.Dommel package to map your entities by creating the specific classes inherited from DommelEntityMap:

public class ProductMap : DommelEntityMap<Product>
    public ProductMap()
        Map(p => p.Id).IsKey().IsIdentity();
        Map(p => p.Category).Ignore();

You can define the name of the table that will be mapped

public class ProductMap : DommelEntityMap<Product>
    public ProductMap()
        Map(p => p.Id).IsKey().IsIdentity();
        Map(p => p.Category).Ignore();

After that, you must configure Dapper.FluentMap.Dommel in RepositoryHelpers:

Mapper.Initialize(c =>
    c.AddMap(new ProductMap());

Get Data:

To get results just use the Get method. can be syncronous or asynchronous

//Get All Users
var usersAsync = await Repository.GetAsync();
var users = Repository.Get();

//Get User by Id
var userAsync = await Repository.GetByIdAsync(1);
var user = Repository.GetById(1);

//Get by CustomQuery with parameters
var customQuery = "Select name from user where login = @userLogin";
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "userLogin", "bertuzzi" } };
var resultASync = await Repository.GetAsync(customQuery, parameters);
var result = Repository.Get(customQuery, parameters);

//Get by CustomQuery without parameters
var customQuery = "Select * from user";
var resultASync = await Repository.GetAsync(customQuery);
var result = Repository.Get(customQuery);

//Get by multi-mapping custom query with 2 input types
var customQuery = "Select * from user inner join category on user.categoryId = category.Id where login = @userLogin";
var user = Repository.Get<User, Category, User>(
    map: (user, category) => 
        user.Category = category;
        return user;

//Get by multi-mapping custom query with 2 input types (When the field that we should split and read the second object is different from "Id")
var customQuery = "Select * from user inner join state on user.stateCode = state.Code where login = @userLogin";
var user = Repository.Get<User, State, User>(
    map: (user, state) => 
        user.State = state;
        return user;
    splitOn: "Code"

//Get by multi-mapping custom query with an arbitrary number of input types
var customQuery = "Select * from user inner join category on user.categoryId = category.Id where login = @userLogin";
var user = Repository.Get(
    new[] { typeof(User), typeof(Category) },
    map: (types) => 
        var user = (types[0] as User);
        user.Category = (types[1] as Category);
        return user;

Insert Data :

user identity parameter to return the id if your insert needs

Repository.Insert(NewUser, true);

Update data


Delete data


You can use ADO if you need

//Return DataSet
var customQuery = "Select name from user where login = @userLogin";
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "userLogin", "bertuzzi" } };
Repository.GetDataSet(customQuery, parameters);




CustomTransaction is possible to use transaction

CustomTransaction customTransaction = new CustomTransaction(YourConnection);


Repository.ExecuteQuery("yourquery", parameters, customTransaction);

DapperIgnore : if you want some property of your object to be ignored by Dapper, when inserting or updating, just use the attribute. PrimaryKey : Define your primary key. It is used for queries, updates, and deletes. IdentityIgnore: Determines that the field has identity, autoincrement ... Warns the repository to ignore it that the database will manage the field

*TIP Create a ConnectionHelper for BaseRepository and BaseTransaction to declare the connection only once :

 public sealed class ConnectionHelper
        static ConnectionHelper _instance;
        public static ConnectionHelper Instance
            get { return _instance ?? (_instance = new ConnectionHelper()); }
        private ConnectionHelper() 
            Connection = new Connection()
                Database = RepositoryHelpers.Utils.DataBaseType.SqlServer,
                ConnectionString = "YourString"
        public Connection Connection { get; }
 public class BaseRepository<T>
        protected readonly CustomRepository<T> Repository;

        protected BaseRepository()
            Repository = new CustomRepository<T>(ConnectionHelper.Instance.Connection);
     public class BaseTransaction : CustomTransaction
        public BaseTransaction() :

LiteDB Extensions

coming soon ..

HttpClient Extensions

Extensions to make using HttpClient easy.

To enable and use Follow the doc :

Samples coming soon ..

Special Thanks to project contributors

Special Thanks users who reported bugs and helped improve the package :

  • Thiago Vieira
  • Luis Paulo Souza
  • Alexandre Harich

The RepositoryHelpers was developed by Thiago Bertuzzi under the MIT license.