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Magic is distilled laziness

This theme, named after the fantasy setting of Dungeons & Dragons, is designed with tabletop RPG players in mind. The theme allows beautiful HTML exports designed to look like a professionally made tabletop resource, whilst remaining easy to edit in code view and in small windows, thanks to CSS media queries.

Theme configuration

Torillic accepts the following theme configuration options in the mkdocs.yaml file:


Supply either a file path or a web link to an image to use for the site's background. If not supplied, will use the defaut Torillic background (wood planks).

Page configuration

Torillic accepts the following configuration options from an individual page's yaml frontmatter:


Whether to include a contents block and, if so, what kind. Options are:

  • global: Include a "global" contents block, i.e. one which describes the entire site
  • local: Include a local contents block, i.e. one which describes the current page's children / siblings
  • none: Do not include a contents block

If not supplied, the site homepage will have global contents block and section home pages will have a local contents block, other pages will not include a contents block.

Tips & Tricks

  • Using > blockquotes will create a green box like the ones used in 5e stat blocks
  • In full page view, content is arranged into two columns - however, # heading 1 and # heading 2 elements span both columns so can be used as separators. A blank top-level heading will still split the page.
  • The heading with a yellow line underneath (you know the one) is #### heading 4
  • Actions in 5e stat blocks are generally formatted like so:
***Name.*** *Attack Type:* +[modifier] to hit, reach [reach] ft., [n targets] target(s). *Hit:* [approx damage] ([n dice]d[die size] + [additional]) [damage type] damage.
  • For an example of a full stat sheet in Torillic, check out the markdown below the screenshots.
  • Ultimately, it's yours to play with, so feel free to completely ignore this advice and lay things out however works for your campaign!