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Security: THCloudAI/thctl


Security Policy

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you discover a security vulnerability in THCloud CLI Tool, please report it by emailing our security team. We will respond to your report within 24 hours.

Security Best Practices

Configuration Management

  1. Never commit sensitive information to the repository

  2. Use environment variables for sensitive data:

    export FULLNODE_API_INFO="your-token:/ip4/"
    export THC_API_KEY="your-api-key"
  3. Use configuration files only for non-sensitive settings

  4. Keep production configuration files separate and never commit them

API Keys and Tokens

  1. Rotate API keys and tokens regularly
  2. Use different API keys for development and production
  3. Set appropriate permissions and access levels
  4. Never share API keys in logs or error messages

Development Guidelines

  1. Always run security checks before committing:

    make lint
    make test
  2. Use the pre-commit hook (automatically installed)

  3. Keep dependencies up to date

  4. Follow secure coding practices:

    • Input validation
    • Error handling without exposing sensitive info
    • Proper logging (no sensitive data)

Pre-commit Checks

The repository includes a pre-commit hook that checks for:

  1. Sensitive information in code
  2. Large files (>10MB)
  3. Code quality (golangci-lint)
  4. Security issues (gitleaks)

Installation Security

  1. Always verify checksums of downloaded binaries
  2. Use HTTPS for downloading
  3. Set appropriate file permissions
  4. Keep your system and Go installation up to date

Runtime Security

  1. Run with minimum required permissions
  2. Use secure network connections (HTTPS/TLS)
  3. Validate all inputs
  4. Handle errors securely

Security Tools

Required Tools


# Install gitleaks
brew install gitleaks

# Install golangci-lint
brew install golangci-lint

# Install gosec
go install

Secure Development Workflow

  1. Before Starting Development

    git pull
    go mod tidy
    make deps
  2. During Development

    • Use environment variables for secrets
    • Follow secure coding guidelines
    • Run tests frequently
  3. Before Committing

    make lint
    make test
    # Pre-commit hook will run automatically
  4. Before Pushing

    # Run full security scan
    gitleaks detect
    gosec ./...

Version Control Security

  1. Protected Branches

    • main branch is protected
    • Requires pull request reviews
    • Requires passing CI checks
  2. Commit Signing

    • Enable GPG signing of commits
    • Verify commit signatures
  3. Branch Protection Rules

    • No force pushes
    • Required status checks
    • Required security reviews

Dependency Management

  1. Regular Updates

    go list -u -m all
    go get -u ./...
    go mod tidy
  2. Vulnerability Scanning

    • Regular dependency audits
    • Automated security updates
    • Version pinning for stability

Production Deployment

  1. Binary Verification

    • Check SHA256 checksums
    • Verify binary signatures
    • Use official releases only
  2. Configuration

    • Use environment-specific configs
    • Validate all settings
    • Monitor for misconfigurations
  3. Monitoring

    • Enable error tracking
    • Monitor API usage
    • Set up alerts for suspicious activity

There aren’t any published security advisories