Project mode added
Support for libraries
Upgraded Linux Installer
Windows Installer
Add support for opening files via explorer
Added auto indenting
Added tab space setting for auto indenting
Added keyboard shortcuts
Added a code minimiser
Added column count
Removed now defunct "Export to KSP" button
Kode now checks for unsaved changes on exit
Kode now supports launching by double clicking files in explorer(See known issues below)
Fixes bug where Kode crashes when you open with no tabs
Fixes bug where Kode crashes if you don't select a folder on first start
Fixes bug where Kode will treat recovered tabs as new ones on setting change restart
Fixes beta bug where Export to KSP crashes when not in project mode
Worked around a bug where Kode auto restart doesn't change UI correctly. Manual restart is required after changing editor/project modes.
All changes to file will now trigger an *, not just additions
Tab close X behaviour tweaked
Syntax highlighting and autocomplete now support UPPER, lower and Mixed Case without changing settings
Update auto-detect(Added in 0.4 but this is the first release to use it)
Known issues:
File associations as set by the installer doesn't work correctly. You need to manually set Kode as the program to open .ks and .ksproj through the Right Click>Open with menu, Select Kode and Always Open with.
Autocomplete for mixed case is bugged, after typing an uppercase first letter and then a lower case second letter the A/C box disappears. Syntax highlighting is unaffected.
Keyboard shortcuts(CTL +):
S - Save
X - Cute
C - Copy
V - Paste
Z - Undo
Y - Redo
T - New tab
A - Select all
TAB - Move forwards one tab
SHIFT + TAB - Move back one tab
1 – 9 - Skip to that number tab