This library provides implementations for enumerating characteristic substrings (maximal substrings and minimal unique substrings) in a string T by processing the BWT of T.
The programs run in O(n log r) time with O(r) bytes of working space,
where n is the length of the input BWT, and r is the number of runs in the BWT.
For more details on R-enum, please see (
The source codes in 'module' directory are maintained in different repositories. So, to download all the necessary source codes, do the following:
git clone
cd renum
git submodule init
git submodule update
You need sdsl-lite( to excecute this program.
Please edit CMakeLists.txt to set SDSL library and include directory paths.
We assume that the library and header files of SDSL are installed in ~/lib and ~/include directories, respectively.
mkdir build
cd build
This program outputs the BWT of a given text using libdivsufsort.
usage: ./text_to_bwt.out --input_file=string [options] ...
-i, --input_file input file path (string)
-o, --output_file output bwt file path (string [=])
-s, --special_character special character (string [=])
-?, --help print this message
$ ./text_to_bwt.out -i sample.txt -s $
Special character: $(36)
writing: sample.txt.bwt
wrote: sample.txt.bwt, time = 2
This program outputs the LCP intervals for all the maximal repeats
in the string represented by a given BWT.
The output file is encoded in binary format, and print.out can decode the encoded file.
The program can use multithreading for computing maximal repeats.
It works with a single thread if you use "-p 1".
It uses all the processors in your computer if you use "-p -1" or you do not use the -p option.
usage: ./maximal_repeat.out --input_file=string [options] ...
-i, --input_file input bwt file path (string)
-o, --output_file output file path (default: input_file_path.max) (string [=])
-p, --thread_num thread number for parallel processing (int [=-1])
-?, --help print this message
$ ./maximal_repeat.out -i ./sample.txt.bwt
RLBWT File : ./sample.txt.bwt
Output : ./sample.txt.bwt.max
Peak children count : 22
Thread number : 8
Integer Type : UINT32_t
The length of the input text : 36
The number of runs on BWT : 31
The number of maximum substrings : 16
Execution Time
Excecution time : 0 [s]
Character per second : inf [KB/s]
Preprocessing time : 0 [s]
Enumeration time : 0 [s]
Memory Usage
RLBWT : 0 [KB]
WT : 10 [KB]
Queue : 16 [KB]
This program converts the LCP intervals stored in a given binary file into a new file in text format.
It also outputs the string represented by each LCP interval if you use option -s 1.
usage: ./print.out --input_file=string --lcp_interval_file=string [options] ...
-i, --input_file input bwt file path (string)
-l, --lcp_interval_file LCP interval file path (string)
-o, --output_file output file path (default: lcp_interval_file.interval.log) (string [=])
-s, --string_flag Output the string represented by each interval if this flag is 1 (bool [=1])
-?, --help print this message
$ ./print.out -i ./sample.txt.bwt -l ./sample.txt.bwt.max -s 1
(i, j, LCP, substring)
0, 35, 0,
30, 35, 1, T
10, 15, 1, C
16, 29, 1, G
1, 9, 1, A
28, 29, 2, GT
8, 9, 2, AT
2, 4, 2, AC
22, 27, 2, GG
5, 7, 2, AG
32, 34, 2, TG
10, 12, 2, CA
16, 20, 2, GA
25, 26, 3, GGG
22, 23, 4, GGAC
18, 19, 4, GAGG
BWT File : ./sample.txt.bwt
Interval File : ./sample.txt.bwt.max
Output File : ./sample.txt.bwt.max.interval.log
File Type: LCPInterval
Integer Type: uint32t
Count: 16
This program outputs the LCP intervals for all the minimal unique substrings
in the string represented by a given BWT.
The output file is encoded in binary format, and print.out can decode the encoded file.
The program can use multithreading for computing minimal unique substrings.
It works with a single thread if you use "-p 1".
It uses all the processors in your computer if you use "-p -1" or you do not use the -p option.
usage: ./mus.out --input_file=string [options] ...
-i, --input_file input file name (string)
-o, --output_file output file path (default: input_file_path.mus) (string [=])
-p, --thread_num thread number (int [=-1])
-?, --help print this message
$ ./mus.out -i ./sample.txt.bwt
RLBWT File : ./sample.txt.bwt
Output : ./sample.txt.bwt.mus
Peak children count : 22
Thread number : 8
Integer Type : UINT32_t
The length of the input text : 36
The number of runs on BWT : 31
The number of MUSs : 5
Execution Time
Excecution time : 12 [s]
Character per second : 3 [KB/s]
Preprocessing time : 8 [s]
Enumeration time : 4 [s]
Memory Usage
RLBWT : 0 [KB]
WT : 10 [KB]
Queue : 16 [KB]
$ ./print.out -i ./sample.txt.bwt -l ./sample.txt.bwt.mus
File Type: LCPInterval
Integer Type: uint32t
Count: 21
(i, j, LCP, substring)
0, 0, 1, $
31, 31, 2, TC
35, 35, 2, TT
13, 13, 2, CC
14, 14, 2, CG
15, 15, 2, CT
21, 21, 2, GC
1, 1, 2, AA
29, 29, 3, GTG
9, 9, 3, ATG
2, 2, 3, ACA
27, 27, 3, GGT
5, 5, 3, AGA
32, 32, 3, TGA
33, 33, 3, TGG
34, 34, 3, TGT
11, 11, 3, CAC
12, 12, 3, CAG
20, 20, 3, GAT
25, 25, 4, GGGA
26, 26, 4, GGGG
BWT File : ./sample.txt.bwt
Interval File : ./sample.txt.bwt.mus
Output File : ./sample.txt.bwt.mus.interval.log
File Type: LCPInterval
Integer Type: uint32t
Count: 21
This program converts a given BWT in text format into the BWT in binary format(sdsl::int_vector).
usage: ./convert_bwt_into_int_vector.out --input_file=string [options] ...
-i, --input_file input bwt file path (text format) (string)
-o, --output_file output bwt file path (binary file) (default: input_bwt_file.iv) (string [=])
-?, --help print this message
$ ./convert_bwt_into_int_vector.out -i ./sample.txt.bwt
Input BWT File : ./sample.txt.bwt
Output BWT File : ./sample.txt.bwt.iv
This program outputs the LCP intervals for all the maximal repeats
in the string represented by a given BWT, using the algorithm described in (
I did not the technique for storing a queue for LCP intervals in
The format of the input BWT must be binary format (sdsl::int_vector).
The input file is deleted after finishing the program.
usage: ./bbo_meximal_repeat.out --input_file=string [options] ...
-i, --input_file input file name (string)
-o, --output_file output file path (default: input_file_path.bbo.max) (string [=])
-?, --help print this message
$ ./bbo_maximal_repeat.out -i ./sample.txt.bwt.iv
BWT File : ./sample.txt.bwt.iv
Output File : ./sample.txt.bwt.iv.bbo.max
The length of the input text : 36
The number of maximum substrings : 16
Peak count : 22
The memory usage of Wavelet tree : 3[KB]
The memory usage of Queue : 0[KB]
Excecution time : 0[s]
Character per second : inf[KB/s]
Preprocessing time : 0[s]
Enumeration time : 0[s]
This program outputs the LCP intervals for all the maximal repeats
in the string represented by a given BWT, using the algorithm described in (
The format of the input BWT must be binary format (sdsl::int_vector).
The input file is deleted after finishing the program.
usage: ./bbo_meximal_repeat.out --input_file=string [options] ...
-i, --input_file input file name (string)
-o, --output_file output file path (default: input_file_path.dfs.max) (string [=])
-?, --help print this message
$ ./dfs_maximal_repeat.out -i ./sample.txt.bwt.iv
RESULT BWT File : ./sample.txt.bwt.iv Output File : ./sample.txt.bwt.iv.dfs.max The length of the input text : 36 The number of maximum substrings : 16 The usage of Wavelet tree : 3[KB] Excecution time : 0[s] Character per second : inf[KB/s] Preprocessing time : 0[s] Enumeration time : 0[s]
(in preparation)