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A simple java command line app that can be used as a DC or DP

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A simple java command line app (with auto complete) that creates a dp and dc endpoint for receiving messages from the connector. It also provides means for sending toop requests from command line.


To compile the entire project, run "mvn verify".

To run the application, go to ./target dir run java -jar toop-commander-{VERSION}-bundle.jar and open http://localhost:10101 to verify that it is working.

After deploying the /to-dc and /to-dp endpoints, it will enter command line mode for sending messages to the configured connector.

2018-09-12 16:11:32,181 INFO e.t.c.Main - main - Starting toop-commander on port 10101
2018-09-12 16:11:32,264 INFO e.t.c.Main - main - Registering root servlet
2018-09-12 16:11:32,268 INFO e.t.c.Main - main - Registering the to-dc endpoint on /to-dc
2018-09-12 16:11:32,268 INFO e.t.c.Main - main - Registering the to-dp endpoint on /to-dp
2018-09-12 16:11:32,271 INFO e.t.c.Main - main - Starting server

2018-09-12 16:11:32,349 INFO e.t.c.Main - main - Entering CLI mode

type help for description of possible commands.


  help                         print help message

  cat file1 file2 file3 ...    print contents of the provided files

  search-dp-by-country -t      Check the availability of the "/search-dp-by-country" endpoint of the configured connector.
  search-dp-by-country -c <COUNTRY_CODE> -d <docType> [-raw]
                               Send an id-query to the toop directory via the configured toop-connector. The option "-raw"
                               causes the raw query result to be displayed

  search-dp-by-dptype -d dpType [-raw]
                               Send a query for the list of Data Providers with the provided `dpType`. The option "-raw"
                               causes the raw query result to be displayed
  run-test -f <TEST_CONFIG_FILE> [-t <TEST_CASE_NAMES>]
                               Run an automated test with respect to its HOCON definition given in <TEST_CONFIG_FILE>. 
                               The optional -t parameter specifies the test case names (separated by space) that are specifically
                               intended to be executed. In such a case all the test cases not mentioned in the <TEST_CASE_NAMES> list
                               are ignored by the commander.
                               For an example TEST_CONFIG_FILE and its reference information please check "data/tests/test-config.conf"
  send-dc-request   -f <request file>
                               Send the request  file (ASiC or xml) to the configured connectors /from-dc endpoint

  send-dp-response  -f <response file>
                               Send the response file (ASiC or xml) to the configured connectors /from-dp endpoint

  send-dc-request -new -i <Data Subject Identifier> -c <Data Subject Country> -m <metadata file>
                               Create a new toop request message using the provided data and send it to the /from-dc endpoint
                               if the options -i and -c are provided, then they override the DataSubjectIdentifier
                               and DataSubjectCountry values in the metadata file.
                               The option '-m' is optional and if it is absent, the default data/request-metadata.conf file
                               is used.
                               For the details of the metadata file, please read the README.

  send-dp-response -new -i <Data Subject Identifier> -c <Data Subject Country> -m <metadata file>
                               Create a new toop response message using the provided data and send it to the /from-dp endpoint
                               if the options -i and -c are provided, then they override the DataSubjectIdentifier
                               and DataSubjectCountry values in the metadata file.
                               The option '-m' is optional and if it is absent, the default data/request-metadata.conf file
                               is used.
                               For the details of the metadata file, please read the README.

  quit                         exit toop-commander

All the commands can be auto completed with tab. Also the commands cat, send-d.. support file name completion with tab. Pressing tab multiple times will allow traversal between options.

A note on files/classpath resources

The files that are used by toop-commander are first tried in the current directory, if they don't exist, then they are looked up from the classpath. For example the command send-dc-request -f data/request/TOOPRequest.xml will first check if the file data/request/TOOPRequest.xml exists and load it. If it doesn't exist then it will try the classpath resource /data/request/TOOPRequest.xml.

Sending an existing dc request to the toop-connector

In the command line interface type send-dc-request FILE_NAME , where FILE_NAME points to TOOPRequest.xml or ASiC file .


toop-commander> send-dc-request -f request/TOOPRequest
toop-commander> send-dc-request -f request/request_last.asic

if the file is an ASiC, toop-commander will send it directly. For an xml file, it will try to unmarshall the xml to a eu.toop.commons.dataexchange.TDETOOPRequestType and create an ASiC with the provided keys and then send the ASiC to the connector.

Sending an existing dp response to the toop-connector

In the command line interface type send-dp-response FILE_NAME , where FILE_NAME points to an absolute or relative toop request xml or ASiC file.


toop-commander> send-dp-response -f response/TOOPResponse
toop-commander> send-dp-response -f response/response_last.asic

Sending a new dc request / dp response to the toop-connector

You can use the command send-dc-request or send-dp-response with the argument -new to allow creation of a new TOOP request and send it the the connector.

Additional arguments for send-dc-request -new and send-dp-response -new are

  • -i <Document Subject Identifier>,
  • -c <Document Subject Country>,
  • -m <metadata.conf file>.

These arguments are all optional. The default values are in the default metadata file data/request-metadata.conf (formatted as HOCON). If you provide arguments -i and -c, they will override the keys ToopMessage.NaturalPerson.identifier and ToopMessage.DestinationCountryCode that are defined in the metadata file (either the default data/request-metadata.conf or the one that you optionally provide with -m argument)

You can create multiple metadata files for different test cases so that you can obtain variance between the data that is created during the request/response creation

Please inspect the file data/request-metadata.conf for the default values.

Automated tests

You can use run-test command with the -f flag and provide a test configuration (i.e. a TEST SUITE) file for running a set of test cases. If you provide -t flag together with space separated test case names, only those declared test cases will be executed and the rest will be skipped. Examples:

# Run all the test cases defined under pa3.conf
run-test -f data/tests/pa3/pa3.conf

# Run test cases TC-1, TC-3 and TC-10 in the test-config.conf file
run-test -f data/tests/test-config.conf -t TC-1 TC-3 TC-10


When you run toop-commander, you need to provide a key store and toop-commander.conf file. These files are already in the repository. You can use them as an example and then modify them.

toop-commander.conf is a HOCON configuration file. (See

The configuration keys in the toop-commander.conf are all commented and you shouldn't have a problem understanding it.

For a detailed user guide please visit here.


A simple java command line app that can be used as a DC or DP






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Contributors 4
