During course registration, the Edusoft server is overloaded. As a result, request processings are also negatively affected. Moreover, sending a bunch of redundant requests for supporting UI and validation by the client (website) makes us wait a very long time to register for a course. In order not to complicate, this tool ignores these redundancies and only sends requests for course registration.
Which file should you download?
- Linux: goer
- Windows: goer.exe
- MacOS: mgoer
$ goer \
-i ITITIU19180 \
-p Mypassword \
-I "IT092IU02 01|IT092IU|Principles of Programming Languages|02|4|0|01/01/0001|0|0|0| |0|ITIT19CS31" \
-I "IT093IU02 01|IT093IU|Web Application Development|02|4|0|01/01/0001|0|0|0| |0|ITIT19CS31"