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TATAUFO edited this page Oct 18, 2018 · 1 revision

Implement DPOS & PBFT Algorithm


There are two consensus algorithm already implement by go-ethereum, ethash (POW) is used by ethereum, and clique (POA) is used by testnet of ethereum.

The DPOS-PBFT consensus algorithm base on ethereum we develop is called alien. If you familiar with clique and concept of DPOS, you will find alien is very easy to understand. Alien also use Extra field in header of block to record the all infomation of current block and keep signature of miner. The snapshot keep votes & confirm information of whole blockchain, which will be update by each Seal or VerifySeal func.

If you do not familiar with DPOS or PBFT consensus algorithm, please read the follow documents.

The follow sections will describe how DPOS work in Alien.

Directory Structure

Alien contain 4 files in consensus/alien:

  • alien.go : Implement the consensus interface such as Seal, VerifySeal, Finalize ...
  • snapshot.go : Keep the snapshot of vote and confirm status for each block
  • snapshot_test.go : test case for snapshot
  • api.go : APIs

Except of consensus/alien, we also do some modify in miner/worker.go to awake one miner if others do not seal block in right time.

Data Structure

type Alien struct {
	config     *params.AlienConfig // Consensus engine configuration parameters
	db         ethdb.Database      // Database to store and retrieve snapshot checkpoints
	recents    *lru.ARCCache       // Snapshots for recent block to speed up reorgs
	signatures *lru.ARCCache       // Signatures of recent blocks to speed up mining
	signer     common.Address      // Address of the signing key
	signFn     SignerFn            // Signer function to authorize hashes with
	lock       sync.RWMutex        // Protects the signer fields

Alien is the delegated-proof-of-stake consensus engine

type HeaderExtra struct {
	CurrentBlockConfirmations []Confirmation
	CurrentBlockVotes         []Vote
	ModifyPredecessorVotes    []Vote
	LoopStartTime             uint64
	SignerQueue               []common.Address
	SignerMissing             []common.Address
	ConfirmedBlockNumber      uint64

As describe in abstract, HeaderExtra is the struct of current block information, after rpl encode to []byte, the data save in header.Extra[32:len(header.extra)-65]. The header.Extra[:32] keep the geth and go version, and header.Extra[len(header.extra)-65:] keep the signature of miner.

type Vote struct {
	Voter     common.Address
	Candidate common.Address
	Stake     *big.Int

Vote come from custom transaction which data like "ufo:1:event:vote", which the sender of transaction is Voter, and the is Candidate. Stake is the current balance of Voter when that address create this vote

type Confirmation struct {
	Signer      common.Address
	BlockNumber *big.Int

Confirmation come from custom transaction, which data like "ufo:1:event:confirm:123", 123 is the block number be confirmed, the sender of transaction is valid Signer only if the signer in the SignerQueue for block number 123

type Snapshot struct {
	config   *params.AlienConfig // Consensus engine parameters to fine tune behavior
	sigcache *lru.ARCCache       // Cache of recent block signatures to speed up ecrecover

	Number          uint64                       `json:"number"`          // Block number where the snapshot was created
	ConfirmedNumber uint64                       `json:"confirmedNumber"` // Block number confirmed when the snapshot was created
	Hash            common.Hash                  `json:"hash"`            // Block hash where the snapshot was created
	HistoryHash     []common.Hash                `json:"historyHash"`     // Block hash list for two recent loop
	Signers         []*common.Address            `json:"signers"`         // Signers queue in current header
	Votes           map[common.Address]*Vote     `json:"votes"`           // All validate votes from genesis block
	Tally           map[common.Address]*big.Int  `json:"tally"`           // Stake for each candidate address
	Voters          map[common.Address]*big.Int  `json:"voters"`          // block number for each voter address
	Punished        map[common.Address]uint64    `json:"punished"`        // The signer be punished count cause of missing seal
	Confirmations   map[uint64][]*common.Address `json:"confirms"`        // The signer confirm given block number
	HeaderTime      uint64                       `json:"headerTime"`      // Time of the current header
	LoopStartTime   uint64                       `json:"loopStartTime"`   // Start Time of the current loop

Snapshot is the state of the authorization voting at a given point in time, which will be update by each block be sealed or verified.

Vote by Transaction

Before the signer seal the block (in Finalize func), the signer filter all transaction in this block, compare the data field of transaction with custom vote sign. If the data match the vote pattern (ufo:1:evnet:vote), then the signer will deal with this vote, check validation of the transaction and keep the valid vote in HeaderExtra.CurrentBlockVotes.

In the meaning time, this process will filter the transaction related to all voter, not just vote in current block. If balance of voter change, then keep it in HeaderExtra.ModifyPredecessorVotes

You can find details to process votes in processCustomTx func.

// Calculate Votes from transaction in this block, write into header.Extra
func (a *Alien) processCustomTx(chain consensus.ChainReader, header *types.Header, state *state.StateDB, txs []*types.Transaction) ([]Vote, []Vote, []Confirmation, error) {

All node will update their Snapshot by snapshot func, which by the information in HeaderExtra, and use Snapshot to verifySeal and Seal or check the validation of signer.

Howto Calculate the Top Signer and Order

  • Alien use the balance of voter as the stake of candidate, keep in Snapshot.Tally for each candidate.
  • When balance of voter change, the Snapshot.Tally change.
  • After epoch number of block, if the voter not renew the vote Transaction and there is enough signers left, then the vote is expired
  • For the end of each loop (number % maxsignercount == 0 ), the snapshot will calculate the top signer by Snapshot.Tally.
  • The signer missing seal block will be punished, keep in Snapshot.Punished. The value will infect the calculate the top signer from Snapshot.Tally You can find details in apply func
func (s *Snapshot) apply(headers []*types.Header) (*Snapshot, error) {
	// Allow passing in no headers for cleaner code
  • The order of signer is decide by the hash value of last block. This strategy is nearly random, because all hash of block from last loop can not be controlled by any signer.
func (s *Snapshot) createSignerQueue() ([]common.Address, error) {

Confirm block by Transaction

Confirm operation is a transaction which from signer to itself. The transaction write custom information (ufo:1:event:confirm:123) in data.

This transaction be created in worker.go by the miner, because the processCustomTx func will check the validation of sender, which must be signer in headerExtra.SignerQueue.

The signer will received confirmation transaction, if the confirmation about one block is more than 2 * / 3 + 1 of all signers, then the block is confirmed. The largest confirmed block number will be recorded in HeaderExtra.ConfirmedBlockNumber.

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