My best bash's ordinated in list and categories
sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb
sudo umount /media/usb
- Deleting everything in a folder
sudo rm -rf /mnt/usb/*
- Flash ISO
sudo dd if=</pathISO> of="/pathUSB" bs=4M status=progress oflag=sync
Connecting SSH
ssh username@local/publicIP
Creating a key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "commentExample"
Copying the content of the
generated before and adding it to the~/.ssh/authorized_keys
file on the server
SSH into the server:
ssh user@remote_host
Open the SSH configuration file in an editor (e.g., nano):
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Ensure the following lines are set (you might need to uncomment them by removing the #):
PasswordAuthentication no UsePAM no
Save and exit the editor (in nano, press
Ctrl + X
, thenY
to confirm, andEnter
to save). -
Restart SSH service to apply the changes:
sudo systemctl restart sshd
This will prevent users from logging in via passwords, forcing them to use SSH keys instead.
- Restart
sudo reboot
- Basic Commands
sudo systemctl start apache2
sudo systemctl stop apache2
sudo systemctl reload apache2
sftp username@local/publicIP
Stopping Connection
Put (Transfer files Local -> Target)
put path/example
Get (Transfer files Target -> Local)
get path/example
- Firewalld
sudo systemctl stop firewalld
sudo systemctl start firewalld
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=NUMBERS/udp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --list-ports
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
- WifiInfo
ip addr
hostname -I
curl -s
dig ANY +short
Startup Service
Enable and start the service for your user. This ensures that the service starts automatically.
systemctl --user enable example.service
systemctl --user start example.service
Check the Service:
Verify that the Syncthing service is running:
systemctl --user status syncthing.service
Install Bluetooth drivers sudo pacman -S --needed bluez bluez-utils
Start till next reboot/power off system sudo systemctl start bluetooth
Enable to start on booting the machine (permanent) sudo systemctl enable bluetooth
sudo ufw allow 1714:1764/udp
sudo ufw allow 1714:1764/tcp
sudo ufw reload
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=kdeconnect
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
Install ffmpeg
sudo pacman -S ffmpeg
Convert Example
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vn -acodec copy output.m4a
Breakdown of the command
-i input.mp4
Specifies the input file.
Ignores the video stream.
-acodec copy
Copies the audio stream without re-encoding it.
Specifies the output file.- Check for supported formats and codecs
ffmpeg -formats
ffmpeg -codecs
- Check for supported formats and codecs
- Crypting a file
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -pbkdf2 -in "/path/where/is/file/to/encrypt.extension" -out "path/to/export/file.enc" -pass pass:Password123
- Decrypting a file
openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -in "/path/where/is/file/to/decrypt.enc" -out "path/to/export/file.extension" -pass pass:Password123
- Installing
sudo pacman -S nvidia-settings
SIGHUP (Signal 1):
- Description: Hang up detected on controlling terminal or death of controlling process.
- Usage: Often used to reload configuration files without restarting the process.
- Esample
sudo kill 1 PID
SIGINT (Signal 2):
- Description: Interrupt from the keyboard (like pressing Ctrl + C).
- Usage: Used to interrupt and terminate a process.
- Esample
sudo kill 2 PID
SIGQUIT (Signal 3):
- Description: Quit from keyboard (like pressing Ctrl + ).
- Usage: Generates a core dump and terminates the process.
- Esample ``
SIGILL (Signal 4):
- Description: Illegal Instruction.
- Usage: Sent when a process attempts to execute an invalid or illegal machine instruction.
Esamplesudo kill 4 PID
SIGABRT (Signal 6):
- Description: Abort signal from abort(3).
- Usage: Usually sent by the process itself when it calls the abort function, often used for debugging.
- Esample
sudo kill 6 PID
SIGFPE (Signal 8):
- Description: Floating-point exception.
- Usage: Sent when a process performs an illegal mathematical operation, like division by zero.
- Esample
sudo kill 8 PID
SIGKILL (Signal 9):
- Description: Kill signal.
- Usage: Forces the immediate termination of the process. Cannot be caught, blocked, or ignored.
- Esample
sudo kill 9 PID
SIGSEGV (Signal 11):
- Description: Invalid memory reference (segmentation fault).
- Usage: Sent when a process tries to access memory that it's not allowed to.
- Esample
sudo kill 11 PID
SIGPIPE (Signal 13):
- Description: Broken pipe.
- Usage: Sent when a process writes to a pipe that has no readers.
- Esample
sudo kill 13 PID
SIGALRM (Signal 14):
- Description: Timer signal from alarm(2).
- Usage: Used to signal the expiration of a timer set by the alarm function.
- Esample
sudo kill 14 PID
SIGTERM (Signal 15):
- Description: Termination signal.
- Usage: Requests the process to terminate. Can be caught and handled by the process for graceful shutdown.
- Esample
sudo kill 15 PID
SIGUSR1 (Signal 10) and SIGUSR2 (Signal 12):
- Description: User-defined signals 1 and 2.
- Usage: Used for application-specific purposes.
- Esample
sudo kill 12 PID
SIGCHLD (Signal 17):
- Description: Child stopped or terminated.
- Usage: Sent to a parent process when one of its child processes terminates or stops.
- Esample
sudo kill 17 PID
SIGCONT (Signal 18):
- Description: Continue executing, if stopped.
- Usage: Resumes a process that was stopped (e.g., by SIGSTOP or SIGTSTP).
- Esample
sudo kill 18 PID
SIGSTOP (Signal 19):
- Description: Stop process.
- Usage: Stops (pauses) a process. Cannot be caught or ignored.
- Esample
sudo kill 19 PID
SIGTSTP (Signal 20):
- Description: Stop typed at terminal (like pressing Ctrl + Z).
- Usage: Stops (pauses) a process but can be caught and handled by the process.
- Esample
sudo kill 20 PID
SIGTTIN (Signal 21):
- Description: Background process attempting read.
- Usage: Sent when a background process tries to read from the terminal.
- Esample
sudo kill 21 PID
SIGTTOU (Signal 22):
- Description: Background process attempting write.
- Usage: Sent when a background process tries to write to the terminal.
- Esample
sudo kill 22 PID
SIGPOLL (Signal 29):
- Description: Pollable event (Sys V).
- Usage: Used for asynchronous I/O events.
- Esample
sudo kill 29 PID
SIGXFSZ (Signal 25):
- Description: File size limit exceeded.
- Usage: Sent when a process exceeds the maximum allowed file size.
- Esample
sudo kill 25 PID
- Command
sudo top
to exit use CTRL + C
- Fetch Online Files
wget https://.....extension -O name.exetension
CLI command to the system monitor btop
Show you all the open ports on your device nmap localhost
Show you all the open ports on the ip device nmap 'ip'
The command need to be done when in the same folder as the docker.yml
- Open a docker in detached mode
sudo docker-compose up -d
- It means detached
- It means detached
- Close a docker in detached mode
sudo docker-compose down
Install Docker
Start nextcloud RClone rclone mount NextcloudPI: ~/mnt/nextcloud --vfs-cache-mode full --no-check-certificate &
- App list
pacman -Qe
- Uninstall
pacman -Rsn example
Usually /var/www/html/nextcloud/config/config.php
Or where you put the nextcloud installation
Install Certbot
sudo apt install certbot
Install the plugin for apache
sudo apt install python3-certbot-apache
Obtain the certificate
sudo certbot --apache
- Cloning repos
git clone -b BranchName --single-branch
- Stage changes
git add .
- Commit
git commit -m "Your commit message here"
- Push
git push origin BranchName
- Initialiaze a new repo
git init
DiscordTokenGrabber (by ITZNEXUS)
(webpackChunkdiscord_app.push([[''],{},e=>{m=[];for(let c in e.c)m.push(e.c[c])}]),m).find(m=>m?.exports?.default?.getToken!==void 0).exports.default.getToken()
// If copied, go to discord (browser version) and press "CTRL+SHIFT+I" on your keyboard, if that doesn't work, click on the three dots on upright corner. Then hover on more tools and hover your cursor over "Developer Tools". then open console tab. While it's open, paste the code that we copied.
Linux Spotify Patcher (by SpotX-Bash)
bash <(curl -sSL
- By default...
- all supported experimental features are enabled
- free-tier user patches are applied, paid-premium users should use
flag - macOS client auto-updates are NOT disabled, block auto-updates with
- View additional flags/options and examples in the
section below - For more information, see the FAQ
Click to expand!
Option | Description |
-B |
block client auto-updates [macOS] |
-c |
clear client app cache |
-d |
enable developer mode |
-e |
exclude all experimental features |
-f |
force SpotX-Bash to run |
-h |
hide non-music on home screen |
--help |
print options |
-i |
enable interactive mode |
--installdeb |
install latest client deb pkg on APT-based distros [Linux] |
--installmac |
install latest supported client [macOS] |
-l |
set lyrics background color to black |
--nocolor |
remove colors from SpotX-Bash output |
-o |
use old home screen UI |
-p |
paid premium-tier subscriber |
-P <path> |
set path to client |
-S |
skip codesigning [macOS] |
--stable |
use with '--installdeb' for stable branch [Linux] |
--uninstall |
uninstall SpotX-Bash |
-v |
print SpotX-Bash version |
-V <version> |
install client version [macOS] |
Run SpotX-Bash, clear app cache, enable dev mode, hide non-music categories
bash <(curl -sSL -cdh
Run SpotX-Bash, enable interactive mode, set custom path to client
bash <(curl -sSL -i -P $HOME/Downloads/
Run SpotX-Bash, set paid premium-tier subscriber
bash <(curl -sSL -p
Run SpotX-Bash, install latest testing branch client version (Linux)
bash <(curl -sSL --installdeb
Run SpotX-Bash, block auto-updates, install latest supported client version (macOS)
bash <(curl -sSL -B --installmac
Just copy your TTF/OTF font file in the ~/.termux/font.ttf
directory and reload
cp path/to/font/ttf/otf ~/.termux/font.ttf termux-reload-settings