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Triggers record to MovieRecorder by Softron from PlayBox Ingest

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A Video Recorder Monitor Application


This Video Recorder Monitor is a Python application designed to synchronize recording operations between a PlayBox ingest recorder system and a secondary DVR recording system, in this case its MovieRecorder by Softron. The application monitors active recording jobs on the PlayBox system and starts or stops corresponding recordings on the DVR system to ensure redundancy and synchronization.

Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • Features
  • Workflow
  • Architecture
  • Installation
    • Prerequisites
    • Clone the Repository
    • Install Dependencies
  • Configuration
  • Usage
    • Running Locally
    • Running with Docker Compose
    • Accessing the Status Endpoint
  • API Endpoints
    • Playbox API (Initial API to the ingest System)
    • DVR API (MovieRecorder by Softron)
  • Logging
  • Deployment
    • Docker Deployment
    • Environment Variables
    • Persistent Volumes
  • Troubleshooting
  • Contributing
    • Development Setup
  • License


  • Automated Monitoring: Continuously polls the Playbox API to detect active recording jobs.
  • Synchronized Recording: Starts and stops recordings on the DVR system to match the Playbox system.
  • Thread-Safe Operations: Utilizes threading and locks to ensure safe concurrent operations.
  • Error Handling: Implements robust exception handling and retry logic for network operations.
  • State Persistence: Saves and loads application state to handle restarts gracefully.
  • Status Endpoint: Provides a Flask-based HTTP endpoint to query the current recording status.
  • Configurable Parameters: Allows customization via environment variables for flexibility.
  • Dockerized Deployment: Supports containerization using Docker and Docker Compose.


The application operates in a continuous loop, performing the following steps:

  1. Polling the Playbox System:
    • Fetches active recording jobs from the Playbox API endpoint.
    • Extracts relevant information such as ingestId, jobId, and basename for each active job.
  2. Comparing Current and Previous States:
    • Compares the current active jobs with the previous state to detect new or stopped jobs.
  3. Starting DVR Recordings:
    • For each new job detected:
      • Maps the logical name (e.g., "PCR 1") to the corresponding DVR source ID.
      • Sets the recording name on the DVR system using the basename from the Playbox system.
      • Starts the recording on the DVR system.
  4. Stopping DVR Recordings:
    • For each job that has stopped:
      • Stops the corresponding recording on the DVR system.
  5. State Update and Persistence:
    • Updates the internal state with the current active jobs.
    • Saves the state to a file (state.json) to handle restarts.
  6. Error Handling and Retries:
    • Implements retries with exponential backoff for transient network errors.
    • Handles exceptions to prevent crashes and ensure the application continues running.
  7. Providing Status Information:
    • Exposes a /status endpoint via Flask to provide the current recording status in JSON format.


The application consists of the following components:

  • Main Application ( Contains the VideoRecorderMonitor class, which implements the monitoring and synchronization logic.
  • Flask Server: Runs in a separate thread to provide the /status endpoint.
  • Docker Configuration: Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml for containerization.
  • Logging: Configured to output logs to both the console and a log file (logs/app.log).
  • State File: Persists application state in state/state.json for recovery after restarts.



  • Python 3.10 or higher
  • Docker and Docker Compose (if deploying via Docker)

Clone the Repository

git clone

cd video-recorder-monitor

Install Dependencies

Option 1: Running Locally

pip install -r requirements.txt

Option 2: Using Docker

No manual installation is needed; Docker will handle dependencies.


The application can be configured using environment variables:

  • PRIMARY_API_BASE_URL: Base URL for the Playbox API (default: https://{{IP-of-PLaybox-ingest}}:4230)
  • DVR_API_BASE_URL: Base URL for the DVR API (default: http://{{ip-of-MovieRecorder}}:8080)
  • POLL_INTERVAL: Polling interval in seconds (default: 5)
  • FLASK_PORT: Port for the Flask server (default: 8001)

You can set these variables in your environment or configure them in the docker-compose.yml file.


Running Locally


Running with Docker Compose

Build and run the application using Docker Compose:

docker-compose up -d

Accessing the Status Endpoint

Visit the following URL to access the current recording status:


API Endpoints

Playbox API (Initial API to the ingest System)

  • Get Active Jobs Info: GET /ingests/activejobsinfo
  • Get Files Info for a Job: GET /ingests/{ingestId}/jobs/{jobId}/files

DVR API (MovieRecorder by Softron)

  • Get List of Sources: GET /sources
  • Set Recording Name: PUT /sources/{sourceId}/recording_name
    • Payload: { "recording_name": "{basename}" }
  • Start Recording: GET /sources/{sourceId}/record
  • Stop Recording: GET /sources/{sourceId}/stop


Logs are written to both the console and a log file located at logs/app.log. The logging configuration includes timestamps and log levels for better traceability.


Docker Deployment

Build the Docker Image

docker-compose build

Run the Docker Container

docker-compose up -d

Check Running Containers

docker ps

Environment Variables

You can adjust environment variables in the docker-compose.yml file or set them directly in your deployment environment.

Persistent Volumes

The application uses Docker volumes to persist logs and state files:

  • Logs: Mapped to ./logs on the host.
  • State: Mapped to ./state on the host.


  • Cannot Access Status Endpoint
    • Ensure the application is running and the port is correctly mapped.
    • Check firewall settings that might be blocking the port.
  • DVR Recordings Not Starting
    • Verify that the DVR API is accessible from the application.
    • Check the mappings between logical names and DVR source IDs.
  • Application Crashes
    • Review the logs in logs/app.log for error messages.
    • Ensure that all dependencies are installed and environment variables are correctly set.


Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss improvements or report bugs.

Development Setup

Clone the Repository

git clone

cd video-recorder-monitor

Create a Virtual Environment

python -m venv venv

source venv/bin/activate # On Windows use `venv\Scripts\activate`

Install Dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the Application



This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Triggers record to MovieRecorder by Softron from PlayBox Ingest






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