The backend API for Kopii - Your Gateway To Flavorful Delights, an e-commerce web application capstone project.
Admin panel is separated and built using Laravel with Laravel Jetstream.
Kopii Frontend Repository: kodego-capstone-kopii-frontend
Base API Link:
Note: first-time usage might take up-to 5 mins or less before it actually works due to's free plan cold start when api is not in use for a certain time duration. This happens only once :)
Example Usage:
Clone the repository
git clone
cd kodego-kopii-backend
Install dependencies
npm install
Setup environment variables:
- create a .env file in the root directory
- add the following environment variables
- Node.js
- Express.js
- JSON Web Token for authentication
- bcrypt for password hashing
- dotenv for environment variableas management
Start the server
npm run dev
- GET /kopii/shop - to get all products
- GET /kopii/category/:category - to get all products from a specific category
- GET /kopii/carousel - to get carousel items
- GET /kopii/kopiistopintro - to get kopii shop landing page intro
- GET /kopii/categories - to get all categories
- GET /kopii/kopiihero - to get hero display items
- GET /kopii/featureslist - to get features list
- GET /kopii/featuresdata - to get features about
- GET /kopii/testimonials - to get testimonials
- GET /kopii/discover - to get kopii discover more
- GET /kopii/settings/userinfo - to get userinfo, must add Bearer Token (valid login) on header to work
- POST /kopii/login - to login user
- POST /kopii/signup - to signup user
- PUT /kopii/update/address/info - to update address info of user, Bearer Token required on header (valid login)
- PUT /kopii/update/password/info - to update password info of user, Bearer Token required on header (valid login)
- POST /kopii/shop - to get cart products
- GET /kopii/shop/cart - to get user cart products. Bearer Token required
- DELETE /kopii/shop/cart/:product_id - to delete cart item. Bearer Token required
- PUT /kopii/shop/cart/increment/cart_id - to increment cart product quantity. Bearer Token required
- PUT /kopii/shop/cart/increment/cart_id - to increment cart product quantity. Bearer Token required
- GET /kopii/shop/orders - to get user orders. Bearer Token required
- POST /kopii/shop/addorder - to add user order. Bearer Token required
- PUT /kopii/shop/status/update/completed/:order_id - to update order and set it to complete. Bearer Token required
- PUT /kopii/shop/status/update/cancelled/:order_id - to update order and set it to cancelled. Bearer Token required
This project welcomes contributions and feedback for improving the implementation.
Contributions and feedback for improving the implementation are welcome. Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request with your suggestions.