This is a carousel I wrote myself to practice JS/CSS/DOM Skills. And as a bonus, you can check out cool Valorant wallpapers in there. (Link in heading)
Link to project:
- Positioning images within their absolutely positioned parent, dealing with layout issues that appear from this and using percentage based units so it fits
- Using DOM API with some JS algorithm knowledge to control transitions between slides.
- CSS specifics like :not selector, using CSS variables to save transition properties
- Using visibility and toggling CSS classes is much faster than adding/removing DOM elements from the tree.
Some things can be improved, for example:
- Responsiveness is still not perfect, on bigger screens, the app looks too in-the-face, on smaller screens it loses it's easy controls
- Animation of items transitioning could be done differently to prevent slides stacking on top of each other randomly with z-index changing and to prevent slides from always moving from center. For example, we could track the next possible active item and give a new class to it, so it would appear from a different direction (visually natural). For now, I just added speed to the animation so it's not that obvious
- Some kind of a check could be added to only add slider once every image actually loads + noscript placeholder for someone who blocked JS from running
- Add a zoom feature when clicking on the element in centre. And an SVG icon while hovering on it. Maybe even "download image" button.