SteemStars is a game in which we will use the steem blockchain to generate some of our game data.
- Game galaxy is generated from the accounts on the steem blockchain.
- Accounts relation to each other is generated by how and if they follow each other.
- Steem reputation is generated on steem by being upvoted(liked) on steemstars we will use this reputation as technology points.
To run simply git clone this repository and run bundle install
to run the server simply type in the working directory
rails server
open your browser to localhost:3000
SteemStars at the moment gives you a simple view of the people who are following you on the steem network.
This Repo for STEEMSTARS is to be considered DEPRACATED, information about the currently in developement version can be found at :
or at :
If you dont know what the steem network is check it out at
All work herein is free open source I operate under the Collaborative Commons License
I need to also give much prop ups for alot of help so far to @inertia
as well as the fact that the backend runs on his Radiator API for Steem.