A Collection of Interactive JavaScript Projects
This repository houses a variety of interactive JavaScript projects that showcase different functionalities and user interactions. Each project is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, demonstrating practical applications of these web development technologies.
Converts user-specified amounts between currencies Utilizes an external API for real-time conversion rates Provides a user-friendly interface for selecting currencies
Offers a classic Rock-Paper-Scissors game against the computer Generates random computer choices to create a dynamic experience Tracks and displays the current score
Transforms user-written text into spoken audio Features options for multiple voice types to customize speech output
Facilitates a two-player Tic-Tac-Toe game Implements logic to determine winners and losers Provides a visual interface for players to track their moves
Retrieves current weather information for user-specified locations Leverages an external API for accurate weather data Displays weather details in a clear and concise format Project Structure
Each project resides in a separate subfolder within the main directory. Subfolders typically contain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files specific to the project. Additional resources, such as images also be included within the relevant subfolder. API key is hidden.
Clone this repository to your local machine using Git. Navigate to the desired project subfolder using your terminal. Open the project's main HTML file (usually index.html) in a web browser to run it.