Use cases
- Hundreds of thousands of vehicles driving across the globe, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Need to access aggregated real-time location, driving, behavior data, temperature sensors and more.
- Scalable, resiliency Kubernetes platform based on Tanzu
- Cloud Native Microservices based on Spring
- Reliable messaging deliverable with RabbitMQ
- Low latency data read/write operations with GemFire
Applications | Notes |
applications/vehicle-dashboard | GUI interface to views vehicle information |
applications/vehicle-sink | Microservice streaming sink for storing Vehicle data in GemFire |
applications/vehicle-telemetry-jdbc-streaming-sink | Microservice for historical telemetry sink to relational database such as Postgres/Greenplum |
jdk: 11
gradle: 6(if you are not sure which gradle version you are using, please try `gradle -v` and use `./gradlew` instead of `gradle`)
nice to have:
Use the following command to build docker images
gradle :applications:vehicle-generator-source:bootBuildImage
gradle :applications:iot-connected-vehicle-dashboard:bootBuildImage
gradle :applications:vehicles-geode-sink:bootBuildImage
kind load docker-image vehicle-generator-source:0.0.4-SNAPSHOT
kind load docker-image iot-connected-vehicle-dashboard:0.0.2-SNAPSHOT
kind load docker-image vehicles-geode-sink:0.0.4-SNAPSHOT
kubectl apply -f cloud/k8/secrets
#kubectl apply -f cloud/k8
kubectl apply -f cloud/k8/iot-connected-vehicle-dashboard.yml -n tds-workshop
kubectl apply -f cloud/k8/apps/source/vehicle-generator-source/vehicle-generator-source.yml -n tds-workshop
kubectl apply -f cloud/k8/apps/sink/geode-sink/vehicles-geode-sink.yml -n tds-workshop
kubectl port-forward iot-connected-vehicle-dashboard 7070:7070
Get the RabbitMQ user/password
kubectl get secret rabbitmq-default-user -o jsonpath="{.data.username}"
export ruser=`kubectl get secret rabbitmq-default-user -o jsonpath="{.data.username}"| base64 --decode`
export rpwd=`kubectl get secret rabbitmq-default-user -o jsonpath="{.data.password}"| base64 --decode`
echo ""
echo "USER:" $ruser
echo "PASWORD:" $rpwd
Add new users
kubectl exec rabbitmq-server-0 -- rabbitmqctl add_user $APP_USER $APP_PWD
kubectl exec rabbitmq-server-0 -- rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / $APP_USER ".*" ".*" ".*"
kubectl exec rabbitmq-server-0 -- rabbitmqctl set_user_tags $APP_USER administrator
kubectl port-forward rabbitmq-server-0 15672:15672
Scale RabbitMQ to 3 nodes
kubectl apply -f cloud/k8/data-services/rabbitmq/local-cluster-node3.yml
Scale GemFire to 2 locator and 3 datanodes
kubectl apply -f cloud/k8/data-services/gemfire/gf-cluster-locators-2-datanodes-3.yml
k port-forward iot-connected-vehicle-dashboard 7000:7000
kubectl create -f cloud/k8/apps/config-maps.yml -n tds-workshop
kubectl apply -f cloud/k8/secrets -n tds-workshop
k apply -f cloud/GKE/k8/iot-connected-vehicle-dashboard.yml
k apply -f cloud/GKE/k8/iot-dashboard-service.yml
helm repo add wavefront
helm repo update
To deploy the Wavefront Collector and Wavefront Proxy:
Using helm 2:
helm install wavefront/wavefront --name wavefront --set wavefront.url= --set wavefront.token=YOUR_API_TOKEN --set clusterName=<YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME> --namespace wavefront
Using helm 3:
kubectl create namespace wavefront
helm install wavefront wavefront/wavefront --set wavefront.url= --set wavefront.token=YOUR_API_TOKEN --set clusterName=<YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME> --namespace wavefront