Make sure
, rabbitmq-server
is installed.
make sure rabbitmq-server
is listening to port 5672
Language Requirement: python3
pip3 install virtualenv
python3 -m virtualenv projectCglow
cd projectCglow/
source bin/activate
git clone
cd cglow
pip install -r requirement.txt
cd rabbitmq
docker-compose up -d
Goto 'projectCglow/cglow/contestjudger' and RUN
docker build -t contestjudger .
Goto 'projectCglow/cglow/offlinejudger' and RUN
docker build -t offlinejudger .
Goto 'projectCgloW/cglow' and RUN::
python runserver
On another terminal, goto 'projectCglow/' and RUN
source bin/activate
cd cglow
celery -A cglow worker -l info