- Create React App
- Configured Tailwind css
Login and SignUp page
R outing
- Sign up and sign in screen
- Login Form
- Form Validation (useRef hook)
- After login --> redirect to browse page
- Create signup user account - firebase
- Whenever we sigin or sigup , fire base will give an access token , to verify the authentication
- And UID
- Sign up and sign in screen
Browse Page (After Authentication)
- Register for TMDB api
- Creatr app and get access token and api key
- get data from TMDB now playing movies list API
- get data in browse page
- Header
- Main Movie
- Background trailer playing
- Movie title and Description
- Movie suggestions
- Movie List * N
Netflix GPT
- Search bar
- Movie Suggestions
Formik Library--> forms for react application
useRef hook --> to get the data entered from the input boxes
Once user signed in / signup we will add the data to the redux store and then navigate to browse page
- Because we need data anywhere in the app
Bug1 : Even if the user is logged out - trying to access /browse --> user is able to access :::: we need to restrict
Bug2 : After logged in , if user wants to access /login --> opening login page :::: we should redirect to browse page till user logs out ::: we need to redirect
fix:: place auth api , in the central place , where it will be present every where in the app
place it in the header , so that every time it will check for the auth change , so based on that it will be redirected accordingly
Good practice: Unscbscribed to the onAuthStateChaneg callBack, because header will be changed more timed
For Browse Movies - We use TMDB API to get the data
- Open TMDB and Login
- Open edit proile
- Go to api section
- Find api key and api access token
ReactStrictMode -- > in local everything happens twice --> react does extra rendering to check inconsistency in rendering cycle'
- This will only happens in the development phase
- When we do the prod build, it wont happen
- Main Container
- Video Background
- Video Title
- Secomdary Container
- Movie list * N
- Many Cards * N
- Movie list * N