Complete app replacement with Home Assistant for Dreame robot vacuums.
- Auto generated device entities
- Live and multi floor map support
- Customized room cleaning entities
- Services for device and map with examples
- Persistent notifications and error reporting
- Events for automations
- Valetudo map card support
- Dreame
(D9 Max)dreame.vacuum.p2187
(D9 Pro)dreame.vacuum.r2205
(D10 Plus)dreame.vacuum.p2029
(L10 Pro)dreame.vacuum.p2028a
(L10 Plus)dreame.vacuum.r2228o
(L10s Ultra)dreame.vacuum.r2215o
(L10s Pro)dreame.vacuum.r2216o
(L10s Pro)dreame.vacuum.p2028
(Z10 Pro)dreame.vacuum.p2027
(W10 Pro)dreame.vacuum.r2251o
(W10s Pro)dreame.vacuum.r2228
(S10 Pro)dreame.vacuum.r2247
(S10 Pro Plus)dreame.vacuum.r2246
(S10 Plus)dreame.vacuum.r2215
(X10 Ultra)
- Mijia
(Trouver LDS Finder)dreame.vacuum.p2150o
(Vacuum-Mop 2 Ultra)dreame.vacuum.p2150b
(Vacuum-Mop 2 Ultra Set)dreame.vacuum.p2114o
(Self-Cleaning Robot Vacuum-Mop)dreame.vacuum.p2149o
(Self-Cleaning Robot Vacuum-Mop Pro)dreame.vacuum.r2254
(Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2)dreame.vacuum.p2140p
(Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2)dreame.vacuum.p2140o
(Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2)dreame.vacuum.p2148o
(Mi Robot Vacuum Mop Ultra Slim)dreame.vacuum.p2041o
(Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Pro+)
(MOVA Z500)
wget -O - | bash -
Select configuration type:
Enter required credentials according to the selected configuration type.
Please make sure that the devices are at same subnet for both configuration types. python-miio article about this issue.
Set your device name and integration settings:
Navigate to device page for disabling or enabling entities that you want to use.
Integration is compatible with all available Lovelace vacuum cards but if you want to use zone cleaning feature you can prefer the Xiaomi Vacuum Card.
type: custom:xiaomi-vacuum-map-card
entity: # Your vacuum entity
camera: # Map Entity
camera: true
vacuum_platform: Tasshack/dreame-vacuum
Open card editor, click "Generate rooms config" button, check (adjust if needed) your config using yaml editor and save changes.
With Vacuum Card
type: custom:vacuum-card
entity: # Your vacuum entity
map: # Map Entity
map_refresh: 1
- attribute: filter_left
unit: '%'
subtitle: Filter
- attribute: side_brush_left
unit: '%'
subtitle: Side brush
- attribute: main_brush_left
unit: '%'
subtitle: Main brush
- attribute: sensor_dirty_left
unit: '%'
subtitle: Sensors
- attribute: cleaned_area
unit: m²
subtitle: Cleaned area
- attribute: cleaning_time
unit: min
subtitle: Cleaning time
- name: Clean Room 1
service: dreame_vacuum.vacuum_clean_segment
entity_id: # Your vacuum entity
segments: 1
icon: mdi:sofa
- name: Clean Room 2
service: dreame_vacuum.vacuum_clean_segment
entity_id: # Your vacuum entity
segments: 2
icon: mdi:bed-empty
- name: Clean Room 3
service: dreame_vacuum.vacuum_clean_segment
entity_id: # Your vacuum entity
segments: 3
icon: mdi:silverware-fork-knife
With Valetudo Map Card
type: custom:valetudo-map-card
vacuum: # Your vacuum name not the entity id
rotate: 0 # Map rotation entity does not work on valetudo map card
dock_icon: mdi:lightning-bolt-circle
dock_color: rgb(105 178 141)
vacuum_color: rgb(110, 110, 110)
wall_color: rgb(159, 159, 159)
floor_color: rgb(221, 221, 221)
no_go_area_color: rgb(177, 0, 0)
no_mop_area_color: rgb(170, 47, 255)
virtual_wall_color: rgb(199, 0, 0)
virtual_wall_width: 1.5
currently_cleaned_zone_color: rgb(221, 221, 221)
path_color: rgb(255, 255, 255)
path_width: 1.5
segment_opacity: 1
- rgb(171, 199, 248)
- rgb(249, 224, 125)
- rgb(184, 227, 255)
- rgb(184, 217, 141)
With Xiaomi Vacuum Card and Picture Entity Card
type: picture-entity
entity: # Your vacuum entity
camera_image: # Your camera entity
show_state: false
show_name: false
camera_view: live
action: none
action: none
type: custom:xiaomi-vacuum-card
entity: # Your vacuum entity
vendor: xiaomi
label: 'Main Brush: '
key: main_brush_left
unit: '%'
icon: mdi:car-turbocharger
label: 'Side Brush: '
key: side_brush_left
unit: '%'
icon: mdi:pinwheel-outline
label: 'Filter: '
key: filter_left
unit: '%'
icon: mdi:air-filter
label: 'Sensor: '
key: sensor_dirty_left
unit: '%'
icon: mdi:radar
main_brush: false
side_brush: false
filter: false
sensor: false
Coming Soon
- Cleaning history map support
- Map recovery support
- Schedule editing
- AI Obstacle image support
- Custom lovelace card for map editing
Integrations is currently only available on English language and if want you use it on our language it would be very helpful to you to translate files on translations folder and share with us.
To submit your changes please fork this repository and open a pull request.