Front-end project for showing real-time reports for Borhan live entries. The project is based on AngularJS + Bootstrap, and uses a number of 3rd-party libraries for graphs, maps, etc.
Unzip tag distributables to /opt/borhan/apps/liveanalytics
This can be done for dev purposes - it uses un-minimized code, etc.
Edit app/index.html with relevant values (partner id, ks, etc), then navigate on your local host to this file
Navigate to the project's dashboard route on your localhost with the relevant params, ie
(note the pipes vs slashes)
The provided values will override values hardcoded in app/index.html
All code in this project is released under the AGPLv3 license unless a different license for a particular library is specified in the applicable library path.
Copyright © Borhan Inc. All rights reserved.