Wanna make an addon for Ad Astra ? You are in the good place !
Adding a planet in ad Astra is very easy. But for now, you need to follow
To create our dimension we need to create two folders in data/modid/ :
dimension : in this folder, you will need to create a file for all your dimensions where you'll put your dimension info like :
- the type : here modid:your_planet
- the generator : the minecraft worldgen or a custom one
- the biomes sources : which biomes do you want to have in your dimension
dimension_type : in this folder, you will need to create a file for all your dimensions where you'll put information like :
- ambient_light
- bed_works
- effects : be sure to use modid:your_planet
In data/modid/planet_data/planets/ you will need to create a file name like your planet and add theses information :
"translation": "gui.modid.text.yourplanet",
"galaxy": "modid:your_galaxy", //We create on later in this "tutorial"
"solar_system": "modid:your_solar_system", // Same here
"world": "modid:your_planet",
"orbit_world": "modid:your_planet_orbit",
"rocket_tier": 4,
"gravity": 3.721,
"has_atmosphere": true,
"days_in_year": 365,
"temperature": -20,
"solar_power": 17,
"orbit_solar_power": 19,
"has_oxygen": true,
"button_color": "light_blue"
To have a cool and working (it's important) addon, you need to add theses four folders in assets/modid/planet_resources :
- galaxy : In Ad Astra, there is one galaxy : the milky_way. If you want to add an other galaxy, create a files with the name of your galaxy and put this into the file :
"galaxy": "modid:your_galaxy",
"texture": "modid:textures/sky/your_galaxy.png",
"button_color": "purple",
"scale": 250
- solar_systems : in Ad Astra, there is two solar system : the solar_system and proxima _centory. To add an other solar system, create a file with the name of your new solar system and add this :
"galaxy": "modid:your_galaxy", //The galaxy of the solar sytem
"solar_system": "modid:your_solar_system",
"sun": "ad_astra:textures/sky/gui/blue_sun.png",
"sun_scale": 18,
"button_color": "turquoise",
"ring_color": {
"r": 0,
"g": 128,
"b": 128,
"a": 200
- planet_rings : in the planet_rings folder, there are two folders : one for each solar_system So you'll need to create an other one and create a file with the name of your planet and add this :
"galaxy": "modid:your_galaxy",
"solar_system": "modid:your_solar_system",
"texture": "modid:textures/sky/your_planet.png",
"speed": 88,
"scale": 8, //The size of your planets
"radius": 1.0 //Here, it's the firts planet in the solar system
- sky_renderers : this folder is important for the player immersion. In the folder, you will need to create a file for each dimension and orbit you will add UNLESS if you don"t want to change something in the sky. Here an exemple for an orbit :
"world": "modid:your_planet_orbit",
"stars": {
"fancy_count": 13000,
"fast_count": 6000,
"colored_stars": true,
"daylight_visible": true
"sunset_color": "vanilla",
"dimension_effects": {
"type": "none"
"cloud_effects": "none",
"weather_effects": "none",
"horizon_angle": 0,
"sky_objects": [
"texture": "ad_astra:textures/sky/sun.png", // The texture of the sky of your solar_system
"blending": true,
"render_type": "dynamic",
"scale": 50.0,
"rotation": [
"texture": "modid:textures/sky/your_planet.png",
"blending": false,
"render_type": "scaling",
"scale": 1.0,
"rotation": [
"texture": "ad_astra:textures/sky/light.png", //The effect of the light for the planet
"blending": true,
"render_type": "scaling",
"scale": 3.0,
"color": {
"r": 255,
"g": 204,
"b": 153
"rotation": [
Now you have successfully (i hope) create a new planet/solar system/galaxy ! But they should have name (It's better) In your folder assets/modid/lang add a file name en_us.json and add this (if you know modding, this part is a piece of cake) :
"gui.modid.text.yourplanet": "My Planets",
"gui.modid.text.your_galaxy": "My Galaxy",
"gui.swplanets.text.your_solar_system": "My Solar System"
Now, you should have a new planet in the Planet Selection Screen !
If you need more informations about worldgen, you should look at this site : https://misode.github.io/worldgen/