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Guiran Patrick edited this page Aug 8, 2011 · 1 revision

CLI : List of Commands

Here is a copy of the result of the 'help' CLI command.

sshGate >  help all
  = Users =
    user list                                 - List all users
    user add <username> key <sshkey-file>     - add a new user
    user del <username>                       - delete a user 
    user <username> display conf              - display user configuration
    user <username> set conf <var> <value>    - set a variable in user configuration
    user <username> list groups               - list group of user
    user <username> list targets              - list targets hosts of user
    user <username> has access <target-name>  - tell if a user has access to a target host
    user <username> access info               - list all target user has access to, and how
    user <username> access notify             - notify the user about its access list (via mail)

  = User's Group =
    usergroup list                              - list all users groups
    usergroup add <group-name>                  - create a users group 
    usergroup del <group-name>                  - delete a users group 
    usergroup <group-name> list [users]         - list users of a group
    usergroup <group-name> add user <username>  - add an user into a group
    usergroup <group-name> del user <username>  - delete an user from a group

  = Target =
    target list [<pattern>]                      - list all targets, whose name match <pattern> if given
    target add <target-name>                     - add a new target host, and generate a private sshkey
    target add <target-name> key <sshkey-file>   - add a new target host, with a given private sshkey
    target del <target-name>                     - delete a target host
    target alias list                            - list all aliases of a target host
    target alias del <alias-name>                - delete an alias name
    target ssh test all                          - test to ssh connectivity for all targets
    target ssh install all keys                  - install public sshkey on all targets
    target <target-name> display conf            - display target configuration file
    target <target-name> set conf <var> <value>  - set a variable in the target configuration file
    target <target-name> realname                - print the real name of a target host
    target <target-name> add alias <alias-name>  - add an alias of target hostname
    target <target-name> del alias <alias-name>  - delete an alias of the target
    target <target-name> list aliases            - list aliases of the target host
    target <target-name> access info             - list all user who has access to target, and how
    target <target-name> ssh test                - test ssh connectivity for the target host
    target <target-name> ssh install key          - install sshkey on the target host

  = Target's Access =
    target <target-name> access list users                  - list all users who can access to the target host
    target <target-name> access add user <user-name>        - give user access to a target host
    target <target-name> access del user <user-name>        - revoke user access of target host
    target <target-name> access list usergroups             - list all groups who can access to the target host
    target <target-name> access add usergroup <group-name>  - give group access to a target host
    target <target-name> access del usergroup <group-name>  - revoke group access of a target host

  = Misc =
    build authorized_keys - force re-write of sshgate account ./ssh/authorized_keys file
    build known_hosts     - force re-write of sshgate account ./ssh/knonwn_hosts file
    quit                  - exit the current CLI context menu, or exit the CLI
    exit                  - exit the CLI

Some additional help, about user configuration and target configuration

sshGate >  help user conf
  List of all variables of a user configuration.
  See 'help users' for user's configuration commands

  IS_ADMIN      - Tell is a user is a sshGate administrator (boolean [true|false], default: false)
  IS_RESTRICTED - Tell if user's access is controled by ACL (boolean [true|false], default: true)
  MAIL          - user's E-mail (string, default: <empty>)
sshGate >  help target conf
  List of all variables of a target configuration
  See 'help targets' for target's configuration commands

  SSH_PORT       - TCP port to use when connecting with ssh to the target
  SSH_ENABLE_X11 - Enable X11 forwarding when connecting with ssh to the target
  SCP_PORT       - TCP port to use when connecting for scp-ing file to/from the target
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