Arduino UNO based non contact thermometer embedded with GY906 sensor to detect the temperature of a human body without any physical attention thus saving spreading of Corona Virus among the people.
Recent day, whole world is struggling with virus Covid19. First checking for effected people (or suspect to be effected) is measuring body temperature. So this project is made to model that can measure body temperature automatically and inform by voice.
- Arduino UNO
- SD card module
- SD card 8GB
- Amplifier PAM8403 & speaker
- Ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04
- Infrared thermometer GY-906 (MLX90614)
- OLED 128x32
- Breadboard cables
As from the name suggested, we can understand without any contact will be regarded as a touch, we are fetching or showing the current temperature status of a human body. As these days are covid days, a certain physical contact may cause covid with the help of a transfer and this should not be considered as a positive factor so here with this Non-Contact thermometer, we are optimization the required result and saving life and time.