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This program scrapes weather forecast requests for a city from along with some additional weather information for nearby cities. Built with Ruby.

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Weather Scraper

This weather scraper formats important weather forecast information for any needed city.

This Weather Scraper used 12 Day Weather Forecast Worldwide as the base website for the scraping.


As indicated above, when the program is run it prompts the user to put in a desired city whose weather forecast they wish to receive. In this case for example, the city is Abuja. Abuja is the Capital of Nigeria.


After the user's city has been correctly retrieved, the next display shows a list-like forecast of the user's desired city with a heading like Abuja Weather Forecast. It comes in four(4) sub-headings: 1 - 3 days which includes the day of the request, 4 - 7 days, 7 - 10 days and 10 - 12 days - with each containing some description of what the weather forecast for that period is.


Scrolling down further, weather forecast for five(5) cities near the user's city can be found too. In this case, for example, the five cities are Keffi, Nasarawa, Kachia, Kafachan and Minna. Now, each city contains sub-heading of the days intervals and a rather brief summary of the weather forecast for each interval.

Built With

  • Major language: Ruby
  • Important Gems: HTTParty, Nokogiri

Live Demo

Visit the link below and click the green Run button to run the app

Getting Started


  • Ruby must be installed
  • Internet


To get a local copy up and running simply follow the next step.

Clone this repository on to your local PC

  • Click on the Code green button
  • By the right end of the read-only input containing the repository link click the clipboard icon to copy the link
  • In your local PC, open your terminal in the folder you would like to clone the repository into
  • Clone the repository with the command: git clone (copied link); like so: git clone
  • After the clone, type in the command cd weather-scraper to access the directory on the terminal

To setup for RSpec testing

  • While in the directory on the terminal run bundle install
  • If you do not have the rspec gem installed, run gem install rspec on the terminal to install it


While still on the terminal and in the weather-scraper directory

  • Run the bundle install command to install all the gems in the Gemfile


  • Type ruby bin/scraper.rb in the terminal to run this weather scraper program
  • Give the program a few seconds to fetch the data
  • The first heading contains weather forecast data for your requested city
  • The next heading contains weather forecast for cities near your requested city
  • If you do not request a meaningful city, the program would not return anything

Run tests

There are two options:

  1. Run all tests simply by typing rspec or
  2. Run test for individual files by typing rspec spec/[filename]_spec.rb to run the tests for the corresponding lib/filename.rb file like so: rspec spec/location_weather_spec.rb


👤 Teddy-Livingstone Ememandu

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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This program scrapes weather forecast requests for a city from along with some additional weather information for nearby cities. Built with Ruby.





