LSP implementations for TYPO3 (Fluid and more)
- LSP implementation for a specific TYPO3 installation which is done by installing this as an extension to the TYPO3 installation ;-)
- LSP implementation for TypoScript as far as the TYPO3 built in TypoScript parser allows it
- Maybe resolving of EXT:xxx paths in all kinds of files (via LSP or an IDEs client plugin still has to be resesearched)
- Standalone LSP for Fluid or TypoScript
- Linter or formatter for Fluid or TypoScript
Needs to be installed as TYPO3 extension either by using composer mode installation (not tested at the moment) or via executing composer install
in the Resources/Private sub directory
Needs an LSP client, for neovim use something like
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "FileType" }, {
pattern = { "html" },
callback = function()
name = "typo3",
cmd = { "/usr/bin/php", "/var/www/PATH/typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3", "idecompanion:lsp" },
root_dir = "/var/www/PATH",
group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("typo3", { clear = true }),
For vscode you can use torokati44.glspc as generic LSP client.
This will hopefully be simplified in the future ;-)