A Karma plugin. Reports results in a CDash compatible format.
The easiest way is to keep karma-cdash-reporter
as a dependency in your package.json
"dependencies": {
"karma": "^0.9",
"karma-cdash-reporter": "^0.1.0"
You can simple do it by:
$ npm install karma-cdash-reporter --save
// karma.conf.js
module.exports = function(config) {
// reporters configuration
reporters: ['cdash'],
cdashReporter: {
outputFolder: 'results',
outputFileName: 'cdash-result.xml',
siteConfig: './gen/cdash-site-config.json'
plugins: [
outputFolder [OPTIONAL]
Path to the folder in which the report should be written. Defaults to '.'.
outputFileName [OPTIONAL]
Name of the file in which the report should be written (in the outputFolder).
Defaults to 'cdash-result' + (siteConfig.BuildStamp ? '-' + siteConfig.BuildStamp : '') + '.xml'
siteConfig [MANDATORY] Path to a json file defined as follow:
"site": {
"BuildName": "...",
"BuildStamp": "...",
"Name": "...",
"Generator": "...",
"CompilerName": "...",
"OSName": "...",
"Hostname": "...",
"OSRelease": "...",
"OSVersion": "...",
"OSPlatform": "...",
"Is64Bits": "...",
"VendorString": "...",
"VendorID": "...",
"FamilyID": "...",
"ModelID": "...",
"ProcessorCacheSize": "...",
"NumberOfLogicalCPU": "...",
"NumberOfPhysicalCPU": "...",
"TotalVirtualMemory": "...",
"TotalPhysicalMemory": "...",
"LogicalProcessorsPerPhysical": "...",
"ProcessorClockFrequency": "..."
"testConfig": {
"Path": "...",
"FullCommandLine": "..."
These values will be used when generating your CDash xml document.
A good way to generate this file is to use the cmake configure_file command. The important values are:
Value | Description | CMake variable (if any) |
BuildName |
The name you gave to your build | CTEST_BUILD_NAME |
BuildStamp |
The identifier of this specific build | file(STRINGS "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/Testing/TAG" KARMA_CTEST_TAG LIMIT_COUNT 1) |
If you set a specific track when you called ctest_start, you will have to happen "-YourTrackName" | ||
Name |
The name of your build site | CTEST_SITE |
For some reason you need to send the configure and build reports BEFORE your send the test report. From your ctest script, run
ctest_submit(PARTS Configure Build) #submit configure and build reports first
ctest_submit(FILES "Path/to/the/result/file") #submit tests results