This demo uses a past version of Skylink SDK for Android, which is no longer the best version to use. For current SDK and its usage, please see information at Other resources below.
This project uses Android MediaProjection (available from API level 21 onwards) to capture screenshots, which are sent to a remote Peer using the SkylinkConnection.sendData method. The remote Peer receives each screenshot and render it in an ImageView.
The screensharing effect achieved here is a demonstration of a possible use case of SkylinkConnection.sendData, and is not compatible with the screensharing functionality on other Skylink SDKs, including the Skylink JS SDK's shareScreen.
The device sharing the screen needs to run API level 21 and above.
- Clone the repository
- Import the project into Android Studio using File -> Open and select SkylinkShare folder inside the skylink-android-screen-sharing folder
- Obtain developer key
- In the MainActivity, replace the APP_KEY and APP_SECRET constants with the key and secret obtained from Step 3.
Please feel free to reach out to us with feedback or feature requests regarding Skylink on our support portal
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SkylinkSDK for Android's Sample app:
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