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Matrix for iOS macOS Configuration Instructions

johnzjchen edited this page Aug 8, 2019 · 2 revisions

Configuration Instructions of Matrix for iOS/macOS


WCCrashBlockMonitorPlugin is based on the [KSCrash] ( framework and features crash capture and lag monitoring. The ability to capture crashes is consistent with the KSCrash framework. The principles of lag monitoring can be found in iOS微信卡顿监控. The monitor return data format can be found in: Matrix for iOS/macOS Data Format Description.

WCCrashBlockMonitorPlugin can be customized with WCCrashBlockMonitorConfig. Sucn as:

WCCrashBlockMonitorConfig *crashBlockConfig = MyConfig;
WCCrashBlockMonitorPlugin *crashBlockPlugin = [[WCCrashBlockMonitorPlugin alloc] init];
crashBlockPlugin.pluginConfig = crashBlockConfig;
[crashBlockPlugin start];

Description of each configuration field of WCCrashBlockMointorConfig:

  • appVersion & appShortVersion

    The custom version number in the retured monitor data. If not filled, the version number in the return data is automatically obtained from the bundle.

  • enableCrash

    Whether to enable crash capture, the default value is YES; when set to NO, the plugin will not have crash capture capability.

  • enableBlockMonitor

    Whether to enable lag monitoring, the default value is YES; when set to NO, the plugin will not have the lag monitoring capability.

  • blockMonitorDelegate

    By implementing blockMonitorDelegate, you can get the events returned during the lag monitoring process, which gives you more precise control over the lag monitoring.

  • onHandleSignalCallBack

    After getting the crash log, notify that a crash has occurred. Use with caution: Do not have any memory operations in the running code in the callback, or it will easily cause another crash.

  • onAppendAdditionalInfoCallBack

    In the process of generating the crash log and the lag log, a callback is provided to write the custom data. Such as:

void kscrash_crashCallback(const KSCrashReportWriter *writer)
	    writer->beginObject(writer, "WeChat");
	    writer->addUIntegerElement(writer, "uin", 1000);
	    writer->addStringElement(writer, "commit_id", "2019-1-1");
	    writer->addBooleanElement(writer, "bool", NO);
	    writer->beginArray(writer, "log");
	    for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
	    	writer->addStringElement(writer, nil, "123");
  • reportStrategy

    The default is EWCCrashBlockReportStrategy_All.

    Set to EWCCrashBlockReportStrategy_Auto, the crash log will pass through the onReportIssue: callback after the next restart of the application; the lag log generated on the same day will pass through the onReportIssue: callback each time the application enters the foreground.

    Set to EWCCrashBlockReportStrategy_All, the crash log will pass through the onReportIssue: callback after the next restart of the application; all the lag log will pass through the onReportIssue: callback each time the application enters the foreground.

    Set to EWCCrashBlockReportStrategy_Manual, the onReportIssue: callback needs to be triggered manually, the interface is defined in WCCrashBlockMonitorPlugin+Upload.h.

typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, EWCCrashBlockReportStrategy) {
    EWCCrashBlockReportStrategy_Default = 0, 
    EWCCrashBlockReportStrategy_All = 1,
    EWCCrashBlockReportStrategy_Manual = 2,
  • blockMonitorConfiguration

    The configuration of the lag monitor, WCBlockMonitorConfiguration detailed configuration is shown in the next section.


Description of each configuration field of WCBlockMonitorConfiguration:

  • runloopTimeOut

    The unit is microseconds, the default value is 2000000, which is 2 seconds; Defining the duration of the lag time, the Runloop blocking time exceeds runloopTimeOut and is considered a lag.

  • checkPeriodTime

    The unit is microseconds, the default value is 1000000, which is 1 second; Defines the period in which the child thread checks the state of the main thread Runloop.

  • bMainThreadHandle

    The default value is NO; It's the time-consuming stack extraction function switch, set to YES to start the time-consuming stack extraction, the lag monitor will periodically get the main thread stack, the acquisition frequency and the number of saves are determined by the two parameters perStackInterval and mainThreadCount.

  • perStackInterval

    The unit is microseconds, the default value is 50000, which is 50 milliseconds; Defines the interval at which the main thread stack is obtained.

  • mainThreadCount

    The default is 10; Defines the number of saves to the most recent main thread stack.

  • limitCPUPercent

    The default value is 80; If the single core CPU takes up more than limitCPUPercent, it is considered that the CPU is too high.Set to 80, then on a dual-core machine, when the CPU occupies more than 160%, the lag monitor considers the current CPU too high and then generates a snapshot of the thread.

Lag Type

In the JSON log generated by lag monitor, there is a dump_type field indicating the type of the lag to which the current log belongs. The lag type has:

  • EDumpType_MainThreadBlock 2001

    The main thread is stuck when the application is in the foreground.

  • EDumpType_BackgroundMainThreadBlock 2002

    The main thread is stuck when the application is in the background.

  • EDumpType_CPUBlock 2003

    It is detected that the current application consumes too much CPU.

  • EDumpType_LaunchBlock 2007

    Within 5 seconds of the application launching, the main thread stuck.

  • EDumpType_CPUIntervalHigh 2008

    It was detected that the application was more than 80% CPU in the foreground for one minute. EDumpType_CPUIntervalHigh is deprecated after Matrix adding the power-consuming monitor.

  • EDumpType_BlockThreadTooMuch 2009

    The type of lag that is subdivided frome the EDumpType_MainThreadBlock and EDumpType_BackgroundMainThreadBlock, with more than 64 threads when the lag monitor detected the lag.

  • EDumpType_BlockAndBeKilled 2010

    When the application restarts, it is detected that the last application shutdown is because the main thread is stuck causing the application to be forcibly closed, and the lag monitor marks the lag before the application is closed as EDumpType_BlockAndBeKilled.

  • EDumpType_PowerConsume 2011

    The calltree that generated by the power-consuming monitor. It consist of the stacks that consume CPU in one minitue.


WCMemoryStatPlugin is a performance-optimized out-of-memory monitoring tool. The principles of out-of-memory monitoring can be found in iOS微信内存监控. The monitor return data format can be found in: Matrix for iOS/macOS Data Format Description.


WCMemoryStatPlugin uses private API during monitoring to monitor the use of virtual memory outside of the malloc memory pool.

In Release mode, the use of the private API is blocked, avoiding the risk of audit of App Store.

If you want out-of-memory monitor to fully monitor the memory stack usage, compile with Debug mode or manually define the macro USE_PRIVATE_API in the code.


WCMemoryStatPlugin has a CPU usage of about 13% when running in the iPhone 6 Plus. This is related to the amount of data generated by the application. The amount of data generated is large, which may result in a slightly higher CPU usage.

WCMemoryStatPlugin uses mmap to maps files to memory, with a around 20MB memory occupation.


The filtering policy for WCMemoryStatPlugin monitoring objects and stacks can be configured via WCMemoryStatConfig. Such as:

WCMemoryStatPlugin *memStatConfig = MyConfig;
WCMemoryStatPlugin *memStatPlugin = [[WCMemoryStatPlugin alloc] init];
memStatPlugin.pluginConfig = memStatConfig;
[memStatPlugin start];

Description of each configuration field of WCMemoryStatConfig:

  • skipMinMallocSize

    The default value is PAGE_SIZE; If the object allocates memory size greater than or equal to skipMinMallocSize, the allocation event of the object will be tracked.

  • skipMaxStackDepth

    The default value is 8; If the allocated memory size is less than skipMinMallocSize, and in the front skipMaxStackDepth addresses of the obtained stack, there is a currently application symbol, then this allocation event will be tracked.

Get the program log of Matrix

Set MatrixAdaptor delegate and implement the delegate; the logs generated in Matrix are called back via the MatrixAdapterDelegate.

// Set delegate
#import <Matrix/MatrixAdapter.h>

[MatrixAdapter sharedInstance].delegate = self;


// MatrixAdapterDelegate

- (BOOL)matrixShouldLog:(MXLogLevel)level
    return [MyApp shouldLog:level];

- (void)matrixLog:(MXLogLevel)logLevel
           module:(const char *)module
             file:(const char *)file
         funcName:(const char *)funcName
          message:(NSString *)message
    [MyApp logWithLevel:level module:module errorCode:0
    					file:file line:line func:funcName message:message];