- mainQuilting.m: Main file for Image Quilting
- mainTransfer.m: Main file for Texture Transfer
- minErrorBoundaryCut.m: Function to return the final patched up section using the selected patch and neighbor patches (Image Quilting)
- findClosestPatch.m: Helper function to return a random patch amongst the closest patches to the given patch in the original image (Image Quilting)
- findClosestTransferPatch.m: Helper function to return a random patch amongst the closest patches to the given patch in the original image (Texture Transfer)
- findCorrespondenceError.m: Helper function to return correspondence error between two patches, the measure is a simple difference between intensities or the luminance (Texture Transfer)
- findError.m: Helper function to return the error in the overlap region (Image Quilting)
- getFirstTransferPatch.m: Helper function to return the random first patch (Texture Transfer)
- getRandomPatch.m: Helper function to return a random patch of specified size from a given image
- rmsError.m: Helper function to return the root mean squared error between two patches
- saveFigure.m: Helper function to display and save 2 processed images
- saveFigure3.m: Helper function to display and save 3 processed images