🏫 Student at the National University of Colombia, Medellín
🌟 Passionate about Machine Learning and Data Analysis
🔍 Junior Data Scientist
🚀 Highlighted Projects:
FinanceBot: A Telegram chatbot for recording personal expenses using natural language. Soon, it will also support voice notes for seamless financial tracking. Technologies: NLP, LLMs, SQLite.
TeoBotProject: A Telegram chatbot that answers questions about my personal notes in Obsidian. It uses embeddings to find relevant information and supports navigation via the Zettelkasten method.
Portfolio: An interactive personal website showcasing my projects and achievements, built with a Hugo-like static site generator.
Cryptography and Security: CrimeCriptoAttack - Exploration of vulnerabilities in protocols like TLS, simulating attacks and analyzing defense strategies.
HumanVsAnimalFunction: A creative project using Machine Learning, Azure Functions, and Python to predict outcomes of hypothetical bare-knuckle fights against 15 different animals. Three specialized models assess the probabilities of winning, losing, or an uncertain result.
Applied Mathematics: Science - Research focused on Modular Mathematics, Probability, and Cryptography.
For more details, check out my personal website, where you can interactively explore these projects.
🔗 Let’s Connect:
- LinkedIn: TeoEchavarría
- Email: teoechavarriasierra@gmail.com