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load attrfile

Chris Ladd edited this page Oct 11, 2019 · 3 revisions

load attrfile


stack load attrfile [file=string] [processor=string]


Load attributes into the database. The attribute csv file needs to have a mandatory 'target'
column with hostnames. There are 2 ways of specifying attribute name, value:
1. Add 'attrName', 'attrVal' columns  with attribute name and value respectively.
2. The attribute name can also be a column in the spreadsheet and the cell at the
intersection of a hostname row can contain the attribute value.


  • {file=string}

  • {processor=string}

    The processor used to parse the file and to load the data into the database. Default: default.


  • stack load attrfile file=attrs.csv

    Load all the attributes in file named attrs.csv and use the default processor.


unload attrfile

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