Performs file compression and decompression in C++ by building and processing a tree of structs to execute Huffman's encoding algorithm.
ZIP & UNZIP = non-binary, standard compression & uncompression minimum program requirements ./ZIP sample1 = creates a compressed file & deletes sample1 ./UNZIP = uncompress to sample1
c++ -c huffman.cpp c++ zip.cpp huffman.o c++ unzip.cpp
The purpose of this project is to develop the huffman.cpp implementation file such that it can be used to drive the zip.cpp and unzip.cpp client files.The unzip.cpp file simply receives the compressed file as input character by character and traverses the huffman tree until it reaches a leaf node. This node is always a character and is then sequentially concatenated into the output string.
The zip.cpp file has a more complicated approach. The program will count the number of times a character is used and store it in a map. This is how to store each value's frequency and character. Next, this map (vector of structs) will be converted into a min heap to be utilized effectively as a priority queue. The least frequent character is root.
Once the min heap is built, extract the first two values from the min heap. From these two values, create an internal node of type struct with a frequency of the sum of the two frequencies. The two extracted nodes will be the left and right children of the new node. Repeat this step until only one node remains which will now be the root.
Once the huffman tree is built, a file of characters can be converted into a string of 1s and 0s and is now compressed. This file can be uncompressed as well by using the huffman tree. Now I will cover features and functions of this project:
compression ratio=1-(# Bits Compressed File)/(# Chars in Source File*8) > the only output of the zip.cpp file is the following: "File Succesfully Compressed To X Bits (Y% Less)"
file format > after compression: >top line: # of chars being compressed >aka # of leaves in tree >assignment lines: >ASCII value of char in base 10 >string binary representation of char >output line: >the compressed file output in binary
Important operations: Huffman class insert: inserts a char and it's frequency into Huffman Tree inTree: true/false indicating whether char is store in tree GetFrequency: return the weight of a indicated char GetCode: returns compressed code of char using recursion numNodes: returns number of nodes = 2 * # chars - 1 PrintTable: displays table with following information >index >char >weight >parents >child type
To encode, build a Huffman Tree, here is an example:
/ \
T5 T6
/ \ / \
E R T3 T4
____/ \ _/ \
___S T1 T2 C
_____/ \ _/ \
____nl sp M O
the smallest frequency characters are at the bottom
all internal nodes are non-characters: only fillers
the parents node has weight = sum of child weights
For each character, going to the right = 1, left = 0. Using a recursive function, an output string can be read to the output file compressed line to give an encoded result. example: MERCER SOCCER = 1100000111100011011100110111111100011010 Notice: Not every encoding algorithm will be the same, so the results won't be idential either.
The header line above will work like the previous example.
The number of unique characters in MERCER SOCCER = 8.
The encoded characters following are respectively:
10->1010-> nl ;
32-> 1011-> sp;
99-> 111-> C;
101-> 00-> E;
109-> 1100-> M;
111-> 1101-> O;
114-> 01-> R;
115-> 100-> S;
(The notation is ASCII value-> encoded value-> character.)