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Very Large NGram Counter

Python MIT license Last Updated

NGram counter for large corpuses



You can install the package using the following steps:

pip install using an admin prompt.

pip uninstall VLNGramCounter -y
python -OO -m pip install -v git+

or if you have the code local

pip uninstall VLNGramCounter -y
python -OO -m pip install -v c:/repos/TextCorpusLabs/VLNGramCounter


Counts the n-grams contained in a folder of TXT files.

VLNGramCounter -source d:/data/corpus -dest d:/data/corpus.ngrams.csv

The following are required parameters:

  • source is the folder containing the TXT files.
  • dest is the CSV file used to store the ngram results.

The following are optional parameters:

  • length is the length of the n-gram. The default is 1.
  • chunk_size is the amount of items in used by the control structure before chunking. Higher values use more ram, but compute the overall value faster. The default is 1M.
  • include count only values in this CSV list. The default is count everything.
  • exclude ignore values in this CSV list. The default is exclude nothing. Note: due to the order of operations, it only makes seance to exclude single tokens.
  • cutoff is the minimum value count to keep. The default is 2.
  • top is the number of n-grams to save. The default is to keep 10K.
  • keep_case (flag) keeps the casing as-is before converting to tokens for counting. The default is to upper case everything.
  • keep_punct (flag) keeps all punctuation as-is before converting to tokens for counting. The default is to remove all tokens that are only punctuation.

NOTE: The order of operations for complex counting is as follows:

  1. Transformation (keep_case)
  2. Exclusion (keep_punct > exclude)
  3. Inclusion (include)
  4. Filter (cutoff > top)


The code in this repo is setup as a module. Debugging and testing are based on the assumption that the module is already installed. In order to debug (F5) or run the tests (Ctrl + ; Crtl + A), make sure to install the module as editable (see below).

pip uninstall VLNGramCounter -y
python -m pip install -e c:/repos/TextCorpusLabs/VLNGramCounter

When debugging in VSCode for the first time, consider adding the below config to the launch.json file.

"args" : [
    "-source", "d:/data/corpus",
    "-dest", "d:/data/corpus.ngrams.csv",
    "-length", "1"]