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Discord bot for personal use, serves as a base for a few other closed source ones.


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Just another rewrite of Adjutant to learn Elixir

Has some interop with and private github webook for auto-redeployment of two frontend-projects.

Project setup guide

After cloning the repo, the following steps are required to compile:

  • create a file named COOKIE in the root directory of the repo with a random string as the contents
  • run mix deps.get to install all dependencies
  • in the config directory create a file named dev.exs then copy into it example_config.exs

Running the bot

To run the bot the following extra things will be needed:

  • A connection to a postgres database with the following tables:
    • "Virus"
    • "NaviCust"
    • "Battlechip"
    • An Oban migration for the respective version of the library
  • A development sqlite DB for logging and storing state about slash commands
    • This can be created by running mix ecto.create -r Adjutant.Repo.SQLite
    • Said DB must then be migrated mix ecto.migrate -r Adjutant.Repo.SQLite
  • In config/dev.exs the token: config will need an actual bot token

The bot should then be able to be successfully started by running: iex -S mix

Production use

The same above steps for development will need to be run, except with the following changes:

  • config/dev.exs will need to be replaced with config/prod.exs
  • SQLite DB creation and migration will need to be done with the env var MIX_ENV set to "prod"

The bot can then be run with MIX_ENV set to prod, however it is recommended to instead use a mix release for production use.

Adding a command

To add a new command to the bot, the following steps are required:

  • Create a new module for the command in the lib/commands directory
    • it is recommended to namespace the command's module name with Adjutant.Commands
  • This new module should use the Adjutant.Command.Slash module
  • Add this new module to the @commands list in the Adjutant.Command module
  • The bot will take care of creating the command if it doesn't exist at startup

Deleting a command

To delete a command, the following steps are required:

  • Remove the module from the @commands list in the Adjutant.Command module
  • Add the module to the @deleted_commands list in the Adjutant.Command module
  • The bot will take care of deleting the command if its recorded as existing at startup
  • Then on future rollouts you can delete the module

Renaming a command

To rename a command, you must first delete the command and then add it again with the new name. An alternative option may be considered in the future if this happens often enough.


Discord bot for personal use, serves as a base for a few other closed source ones.





