- 👨 Male (He/Him)
- 📅 26 years old.
- ⚙️ I work with:
- 🐦 Reach me at: Twitter or Discord
# | Open Source? | Product(s) | Language(s) |
TournamentTools | Yes | Coordinator-panel, 1V1-screen, Picks&Bans-screen Battle Royale-screen, Player-overview, WebSocket relay-server, API, communication-library |
JS, TS, PHP, HTML CSS/Bootstrap |
Dane Saber | No | V1 Website, V2 Website, API, TournamentUI, ScoreFeeds, Matchfeeds, TournamentTools* (Dane Saber edition) | PHP, JS, TS, HTML, CSS, SCSS |
ComfyCraft | No | API, McMMO Classes/Library | PHP, JS, TS, HTML, CSS |
BSTS | No | Countdown-screen, Intermission-screen, Discord Streamkit-customstyle, TournamentTools* (BSTS Edition) |
Streamer Saber Showdown | No | Countdown-screen, Intermission-screen, 1V1 Overlay | PSD, JS, HTML, CSS |
BeatKhana Beat Sage Royale | No | TournamentTools* (BeatKhana-Edition, only including WebPanel, PlayerScreen, Battle Royale overlay and TA Overlay) | JS, TS, HTML, CSS |
CS:GO; TournamentWrapper | No | A "Wrapper" that allows easy control over CS:GO tournaments hosted on dedicated server. Frontend panel is hosted by the server on launch, allowing for out-game configuration from tournament host. |
HTML, SCSS, TS, SourcePawn, .. |
Various Beat Saber Tourneys | No | Some bigger, some smaller. Don't want to name them, since there's too many and the list would be infinitely long. | TS, JS, Tailwind, GQL |