Releases: ThatNinjaGuy/Waiter
Releases · ThatNinjaGuy/Waiter
What is in the release?
MVP of the app delivered with all major functionalities working.
Order management, notifications, entitlement driven views and abilities, profile settings enabled, menu management enabled, menu category enabled, multi-lingual support enabled, multi-restaurant support enabled, authenticated logins and signups enabled...
Website: Waiter Web
Android app download link: Waiter Android App
What's Changed
- Updated css to resolve issue of rendering on android. Also added css … by @ThatNinjaGuy in #2
- Develop by @ThatNinjaGuy in #3
- Creating build pipeline by @ThatNinjaGuy in #1
- Pulling changes by @ThatNinjaGuy in #4
- Feature/pipeline build by @ThatNinjaGuy in #5
- Develop by @ThatNinjaGuy in #6
- Updated UX to be approproately themed by @ThatNinjaGuy in #7
- Develop by @ThatNinjaGuy in #8
- Develop by @ThatNinjaGuy in #9
- Develop by @ThatNinjaGuy in #10
- All existing screens updated to have both a better layout for UX and DB structure by @ThatNinjaGuy in #11
- Feature/data implementation kitchen order transfer by @ThatNinjaGuy in #20
- Develop by @ThatNinjaGuy in #22
- Added occupied status when table details are filled or orders are upd… by @ThatNinjaGuy in #24
- Pulling by @ThatNinjaGuy in #25
- 17 make tables and orders dynamic from firebase by @ThatNinjaGuy in #26
- Feature/component restructuring reusability by @ThatNinjaGuy in #29
- Made more responsive by @ThatNinjaGuy in #31
- Develop by @ThatNinjaGuy in #32
- Develop by @ThatNinjaGuy in #33
- Develop by @ThatNinjaGuy in #34
- Develop by @ThatNinjaGuy in #39
- Feature/bug fix table management by @ThatNinjaGuy in #42
- Develop by @ThatNinjaGuy in #43
- Pulling readme changes by @ThatNinjaGuy in #44
- Authentication feature enabled with entitled views. by @ThatNinjaGuy in #50
- Updated the firebase config for test mode. Improved resilience and UX by @ThatNinjaGuy in #52
- Refactor code to improve folder structure #53 by @ThatNinjaGuy in #54
- Fetching menu items takes a long time on order input screen #55 by @ThatNinjaGuy in #69
- Integrate data on home screen #45 by @ThatNinjaGuy in #70
- Orders screen for active orders should have accept order #63 by @ThatNinjaGuy in #72
- Orders screen for active orders should have accept order #63 by @ThatNinjaGuy in #73
- Simple password not allowed #56 by @ThatNinjaGuy in #76
- Create a common order status management section to accommodate enhanced status #74 by @ThatNinjaGuy in #77
- Saved auth token is not being used for logging in the user and is throwing error #78 by @ThatNinjaGuy in #79
- Include qr codes on bill #58 by @ThatNinjaGuy in #80
- Refactored qr code to shift to a new file by @ThatNinjaGuy in #81
- Ring notification for new orders #61 | Centralize fetching of table and order data to reduce requests #82 by @ThatNinjaGuy in #83
- Improve the url rendering of screens which are embedded. #68 by @ThatNinjaGuy in #86
- Multi language support #65 Profile screen functionality enhancements #88 by @ThatNinjaGuy in #89
- Fixed bug on android of null checks #65 by @ThatNinjaGuy in #91
- Improved the language across languages #65 by @ThatNinjaGuy in #92
- Develop by @ThatNinjaGuy in #93
- Firebase hosting configured for web app with no automated CI/CD by @ThatNinjaGuy in #95
- Host the app on firebase #94 by @ThatNinjaGuy in #96
- Fixed the issue of icons not appearing on web hosted app #94 by @ThatNinjaGuy in #98
- Develop by @ThatNinjaGuy in #99
- Pulling main by @ThatNinjaGuy in #100
- Refactored code to centralize hotel and staffs interactions with firebase #53 by @ThatNinjaGuy in #101
- Entitlement driven views enhanced. #87 by @ThatNinjaGuy in #108
- Updated home screen calculation for overview section #112 by @ThatNinjaGuy in #115
- Push notification functionality enabled with ability to store notification tokens for users #85 by @ThatNinjaGuy in #116
- Notification being set based on use case to all staffs #85 by @ThatNinjaGuy in #117
- web icon issue fix by @ThatNinjaGuy in #119
- Updated screenshots for the app in README by @ThatNinjaGuy in #120
- Pulling documentation update by @ThatNinjaGuy in #121
- Enabled notifications to work based on user's notification settings #87 #88 by @ThatNinjaGuy in #122
- Enable multi restaurant support and updated logic to have segregation. #111 #110 by @ThatNinjaGuy in #123
- Bug with auth not persisting resolved by @ThatNinjaGuy in #124
New Contributors
- @ThatNinjaGuy made their first contribution in #2
Full Changelog: