An open source easy-to-use social media application for students to study, share resources, connect with each other, find opportunities and grow. A single platform to cater to all the needs of a student.
It is a complete package for a college student who wants to manage his academics and ambitions efficiently.
- Share Notes and Resources with each other 📖
- Connect with each other 🤝
- Find information about 🕵️
- Upcoming Hackthons 💻
- With the help of our custom API
- Open Source programs 👨💻
- Internship opportunities 💸
- Upcoming Hackthons 💻
- Download resources on your device ⬇️
- Cool user interface 😎
Follow the instructions to run the app in your own system.
- Make sure flutter is properly installed in your system. If not, follow this. link
Then run following command once in your terminal.
flutter doctor
If all the necessary softwares are installed in your system, you can proceed with the following, otherwise install them first then rerun the above command and go about it.
2. Clone the repository using git clone.
git clone
- Change directory to the cloned repository.
cd NoteX/
- Update dependencies.
flutter pub get
- Run the app.
flutter run
To contribute to this repository, follow the given steps :
- Clone the repositoy in your local system.
- Go through the application and find issues or features that you wish to add.
- Go to issues and create your issue.
- Wait for issue to be assigned.
- Work on your issue.
- Create a pull request.
- Wait for it to be reviewed and merged.
- Congratulations !! You have just contributed to NoteX.
@TeeWrath @bhaskar1001101 @ImanKalyanChakraborty @shashwatdwi176 @RJ-04