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Backend API For Tranquility,
Fully documented api including,
Authentication API - (Currently no standalone solution)
Guild/Messages/User API

DeepScan grade


  • For all HTTP Parmas the varible names have to be uppercase such that, req.params.MemberID /guild/:MemberID/:GuildID/:GuildInvite


Member API

Guild API

Auth API


Tranquilitys api is configured using 2 config files including the following .env variables.

Name Description Default Required
PORT HTTP Port for the application 322 True
mongodb URL for the mongoDB database connection N/A True
ADMIN_EMAIL Administration email to send logging info etc to N/A False
EMAIL Sender email for 2FA, account confirmation etc N/A False
TWILIO_SENDING_NUMBER Twilio phone number for 2FA, account confirmation etc N/A False
TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID Twilio account SID N/A False
TWILIO_ACCOUNT_AUTH_TOKEN Twilio auth token N/A False
SALT_ROUNDS Salt rounds for hashing( larger > more secure but longer run times) 13 True

and also a config.js

exports.conf = {
    channelName_Checks: {
        shortenChannelName: true,      // Default: true
        // Forces channel names to not contain spaces, such that they are replaces with a defined char 
        replaceSpacesWithChar: true,   // Default: true
    messageText_Checks: {
        // Limit how large a single message can be.
        lengthLimit: true,             // Default: true
        maxLength: 100,                // Default: true
    monitoring: {
        // Should the monitoring server echo statistics every X second to the attached console.
        outputStats: false,            // Default: true
        outputStatsEvery: 10000,       // Default: 10000 ms eg 10 Seconds