Helper methods for Encoding and Decoding Containers
- decodeIfPresent - New decode if present with default value: decodeIfPresent(..., withDefaultValue: @autoclosure () -> ...) throws -> ...
- decodeFromSingleOrArray - New decode for arrays where the object could be a single value or Array: decodeSingleOrArray<T>(...) throws -> [T] where T: Decodable
- decodeFromSingleOrArrayIfPresent - New decode for arrays where the object could be a single value or Array: decodeFromSingleOrArrayIfPresent<T>(...) throws -> [T] where T: Decodable
- decodeDictionary, decodeDictionaryIfPresent - New decoder for decoding well defined dictionaries as if they were objects
- decodeDictionary - New decoder for decoding well defined dictionaries as if they were objects
- decodeDictionary - New decoder for decoding well defined dictionaries as if they were objects
- encode - New encode if not method. Encodes an object only if it does not equal a given value: encode(..., ifNot...) throws
- encodeIfPresent - New encode if present and not method. Encodes an object only if its not nil, and not equals a given value: encodeIfPresent(..., andNot: ...) throws
- encodeToSingleOrArray - New encode to single object or array. Encodes a collection to either a single object (if only one object is in the collection), OR an array: encodeToSingleOrArray(...) throws
- encodeToSingleOrArrayIfPresent - New encode to single object or array. Encodes a collection if not nil to either a single object (if only one object is in the collection), OR an array: encodeToSingleOrArrayIfPresent(...) throws
- encodeIfNotEmpty - New encode method. Encodes the collection only if the collection has elements
- encodeIfPresentAndNotEmpty - New encode if present method. Encodes the collection only if its not nil AND the collection has elements
- encodeDictionary, encodeDictionaryIfPresent - New encode methods for encoding well defined dictionaries as if they were objects
- encodeIfPresentOrNil - Encodes an object to the encoder or encodes nil of object does not exist
- encodeDictionary - New encode methods for encoding well defined dictionaries as if they were objects
- encodeIfPresentOrNil - Encodes an object to the encoder or encodes nil of object does not exist
- encodeIfPresentOrNil - Encodes an object to the encoder or encodes nil of object does not exist
- encodeToSingleOrArray - New encode to single object or array. Encodes a collection to either a single object (if only one object is in the collection), OR an array: encodeToSingleOrArray(...) throws
- decodeFromSingleOrArray - New decode for arrays where the object could be a single value or Array: decodeSingleOrArray<T>(...) throws -> [T] where T: Decodable
DecoderType - Basic definition of any decoder with any data storage. Provides decode method
DataDecoderType - Inherits DecoderType where EncodedData type is Data
StandardDecoderType - Its the same structure as DataDecoderType but has no associated types so can be used as a variable type
SupportedDictionaryRootDecoderType - Indicator protocol if a DecoderType supports decoding dictionaries from the root
SupportedArrayRootDecoderType - Indicator protocol if a DecoderType supports decoding arrays from the root
EncoderType - Basic definition of any encoder with any data storage. Provides encode method
DataEncoderType - Inherits EncoderType where EncodedData type is Data
StandardEncoderType - Its the same structure as DataEncoderType but has no associated types so can be used as a variable type
SupportedDictionaryRootEncoderType - Indicator protocol if an EncoderType supports encoding dictionaries from the root
SupportedArrayRootEncoderType - Indicator protocol if an EncoderType supports encoding arrays from the root
BasicCodableHelperCaseIterable - A copy of CaseIterable protocol OR a alias to CaseIterable depending on the version of Swift. Used with Choice Enums
- DecoderCatcher - A class used to gain access to a Decoder child
- EncoderCatcher - A class used to gain access to an Encoder child
- KeyedEncodingContainerCatcher - A class used to gain access to a KeyedEncodingContainer child
- UnkeyedEncodingContainerCatcher - A class used to gain access to an UnkeyedEncodingContainer
- SimpleSingleValueDecoder - Class to reproduce a Decoder for a SingleValueDecodingContainer with a given value
- SimpleSingleValueEncoder - Class to mimic an Encoder to capture the value of a SingleValueEncodingContainer
- CodableKey - Basic Coding Key for use when working with unknown keys
- CodableDictionary - A dictionary wrapper that is automatically codable as key: value where Key is not a string but encodes/deocdes as a single value of type String
BasicEncoderChoice - Provides a programmatic way of choosing which encoder to use. This is nice when providing end users with the choice of what type file to encode to
- xmlPList - Use the standard PropertyListEncoder for xml (ObjectiveC runtime or swift >= 5.1)
- binaryPList - Use the standard PropertyListEncoder for binary (ObjectiveC runtime or swift >= 5.1)
- json - Use the standard JSONEncoder
- other - You can specify your own instance of an encoder
BasicDecoderChoice - Provides a programmatic way of choosing which decoder to use.
- plist - Use the standard PropertyListDecoder (ObjectiveC runtime or swift >= 5.1)
- json - If swift < 4.2 and BasicDecoderChoice.usePatchedJSONDecoder enabled, will use BasicCodableHelperPatchedJSONDecoder otherwise will use standard JSONDecoder
- other - You can specify your own instance of a decoder
- BasicCodableHelperPatchedJSONDecoder - This class is a patched version of JSONDecoder for SR-7109
- Tyler Anger - Initial work - TheAngryDarling
This project is licensed under Apache License v2.0 - see the file for details.
Modified version of JSONDecoder