Main EmonTx page:
Builds on JeeLabs software and compatible with JeeNode hardware
- RFM12:
- Mains Voltage and current:
- Temperature control library: (version 372 works with Arduino 1.0) and OneWire library:
- ElsterMeterReader:
The EmonTx code guide goes through main components required to put a full emontx firmware together. It's recommended that you work through these examples first so that you have a good understanding of how the full firmware's work.
- 01 - Single CT
- 02 - Second CT
- 03 - AC Voltage
- 04 - Temperature
- 05 - Pulse Counting
- 06 - Elster Meter
- 07 - Transmitting Data
- 08 - Watchdog
emonTx_CT123 - Apparent Power Example - Use this example if only using CT sensors. Monitors AC current using one CT sensor and transmit data via wireless using RFM12B to emonBase.
emonTx_CT123_Voltage - Real Power - Use this example if using an AC-AC adapter with as well as CT sensors. AC-AC plug-in adapter to monitors AC RMS voltage and give real power and current direction readings.
emonTx_Pulse - Use for counting pulses from pulse output utility meter (flashing LED). Optical sensor can be used to detect pulses.
emonTx_Temperature - For using multiple DS18B20 temperature sensors on a one-wire bus with emonTx. Uses direct addressing method, run the 'temperature search' sketch to find the addresses of the DS18B20 sensors and insert into main example.
Note: CT must be clipped round either the Live or Neutral wire, not both!
When the example has been successfully uploaded the green LED should blink quickly once very 10's