The Bro-Code v2.0
Team Members
Aman Jain - 160050034 Sushil Khyalia - 160050035 Kartik Khandelwal - 160070025 Syamantak Kumar - 16D070025
NOTE :- The coordinates are fixed as (2,2) in the code. The channels being used for communication are :- (1) Channel 2 for fpga -> host communication (2) Channel 3 for host -> fpga communication
The explanation for the code are included in the comments in cksum_rtl.vhdl and main.c
We have chosen following values for the acknowledgments and key
Ack1 : 01010011010001010100111001000100 Ack2 : 01001110010101010100010001000101 Key : 10001010011001011100101001010101
How to Run :
-> The Mandatory Part
We have made changes(and included them in the submission) in the following files :-
1) main.c
2) cksum_rtl.vhdl
3) encrypter.vhdl
4) decrypter.vhdl
5) hdlmake.cfg (in the same directory as cksum_rtl.vhdl)
6) board.ucf has not been changed
7) debouncer.vhd (given in the earlier labs)
8) basic_uart.vhd
9) t_serial.vhd
So in order to run our code, replace the following files
1) main.c in ~/20140524/makestuff/apps/flcli.
2) cksum_rtl.vhdl, hdlmake.cfg in ~/20140524/makestuff/hdlmake/apps/makestuff/swled/cksum/vhdl/.
3) Also include encrypter.vhdl and decrypter.vhdl in ~/20140524/makestuff/hdlmake/apps/makestuff/swled/cksum/vhdl/
4) Place the "network.txt" file in same directory as the cksum_rtl.vhdl
After that run these commands in order
cd ~/20140524/makestuff/apps/flcli
make deps
cd ~/20140524/makestuff/hdlmake/apps/makestuff/swled/cksum/vhdl/
../../../../../bin/ -t ../../templates/fx2all/vhdl -b atlys -p fpga
sudo ../../../../../../apps/flcli/lin.x64/rel/flcli -v 1d50:602b:0002 -i 1443:0007
sudo ../../../../../../apps/flcli/lin.x64/rel/flcli -v 1d50:602b:0002 -p J:D0D2D3D4:fpga.xsvf
sudo ../../../../../../apps/flcli/lin.x64/rel/flcli -v 1d50:602b:0002 -r
The "-r" flag is made to start the automatic main.c functionality.
If manual input-output is required use the "-s" flag which was previously used.
We have already included the print commands in main.c file which can be seen on terminal during execution which direct the control flow.
-> The Optional Part
Apart from the above mentioned files, we have written a python script for the relay laptop,
To run the project, perform the following steps :-
- Program both the FPGA boards separately through the steps mentioned in the Mandatory part.
- Connect them to two laptops which perform the backend control for each of the boards through the USB ports.
- Connect both the boards to the relay laptop through the UART ports.
- Run the on the relay laptop and send information through the UART ports on the boards using the left-right buttons.