A Discord bot for playing ridiculous custom Yu Gi Oh cards with friends and other people
Use the command y.help to get the command list
Click here to invite the official bot to your server
Or join the official server!
Self-hosting the bot is totally possible. You will need to create a config.json
file that has 5 fields or setup the appropriate environment variables before starting the bot though.
Field | Type | Description |
token | String | Discord bot token |
owners | Array | Array of Snowflake IDs that belong to the hoster and maybe a couple more people |
prefix | String | Prefix used for executingp commands. Is y. on the official build |
port | Number | Port used for the Webserver |
public_url | String | Public URL that's visible to the world. Doesn't automatically append port, but does append paths. |
When using Heroku, you can set the Client Vars to the config vars. The keys just need to be capitalized