An API Wrapper for extracting info from the Al-Quran API and the Bible api. I will add more functions for certain api in the future! Documentation for this project is not avalaible at the moment. Full function can be seen in
Find the module here.
pip install holybooks
# First make the client instance
from holybooks import Client
client = Client(
client.fetch_ayah("2:255", "en.pickthall") #Retrives a verse from the Quran api. This will get chapter 2, verse 255. The second argument is the translation, if None specified the default translation is your quran_translation in your client instance.
client.fetch_verse("Genesis", "1:10", "kjv") #Retrives verses from the Bible API. This will get Genesis chapter 1, verse 1-10. The second argument is the translation, if None specified the default translation is your bible_translation in your client instance.
Pull requests are welcome! Particularly for supporting other api(s). Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.