Integrate openDTU or Ahoy DTU and with that all Hoymiles Inverter into Victron Energies Venus OS. This also allows for template configuration to include other generic REST Devices.
The code allows to query up to one DTU, either Ahoy or OpenDTU, plus multiple template based PV Inverter in a single script. This means, you can also only query template devices or only a dtu, or a mix of one DTU and template devices.
Tested examples for template devices:
* Tasmota unauthenticated
* Shelly 1 PM authenticated/unauthenticated
* Shelly Plus 1 PM unathenticated
All configuration is done via config.ini. Examples are commented in config.ini
With the scripts in this repo, it should be easy possible to install, uninstall, restart a service that connects the OpenDTU or Ahoy to the VenusOS and GX devices from Victron. Idea is inspired on @fabian-lauer & @vikt0rm project linked below.
This project is my first on GitHub and with the Victron Venus OS, so I took some ideas and approaches from the following projects - many thanks for sharing the knowledge:
As mentioned above the script is inspired by @fabian-lauer dbus-shelly-3em-smartmeter implementation.
So what is the script doing:
- Running as a service
- Connecting to DBus of the Venus OS
- After successful DBus connection, OpenDTU (resp. Ahoy) is accessed via REST-API - simply the
) is called which returns a JSON with all details. - Serial/devicename is taken from the response as device serial
- Paths are added to the DBus with default value 0 - including some settings like name etc.
- After that, a "loop" is started which pulls OpenDTU/AhoyDTU data every 5s (configurable) from the REST-API and updates the values in the DBus, for ESP 8266 based ahoy systems we even pull data only every 10seconds.
Thats it 😄
Just grap a copy of the main branch and copy them to a folder under /data/
e.g. /data/dbus-opendtu
After that call the ` script.
The following script should do everything for you:
unzip "dbus-opendtu-main/*" -d /data
mv /data/dbus-opendtu-main /data/dbus-opendtu
chmod a+x /data/dbus-opendtu/
nano /data/dbus-opendtu/config.ini
Within the project there is a file /data/dbus-opendtu/config.ini
. Most important is the DTU variant, Host and Username and Password, if you use authentication.
Section | Config vlaue | Explanation |
DEFAULT | SignOfLifeLog | Time in minutes how often a status is added to the log-file current.log with log-level INFO |
DEFAULT | NumberOfTemplates | Number ob Template Inverter to query |
DEFAULT | DTU | Which DTU to be used ahoy, opendtu or template REST devices Valid options: opendtu, ahoy, template |
DEFAULT | useYieldDay | send YieldDay instead of YieldTotal. Set this to 1 to prevent VRM from adding the total value to the history on one day. E.g. if you don't start using the inverter at 0. |
DEFAULT | ESP8266PollingIntervall | For ESP8266 reduce polling intervall to reduce load, default 10000ms |
DEFAULT | Logging | Valid options for log level: CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, NOTSET, to keep logfile small use ERROR or CRITICAL |
DEFAULT | MagAgeTsLastSuccess | Maximum accepted age of ts_last_success in Ahoy status message. If ts_last_success is older than this number of seconds, values are not used. Set this to < 0 to disable this check. |
DEFAULT | DryRun | Set this to a value different to "0" to prevent values from being sent. Use this for debugging or experiments. |
DEFAULT | Host | IP or hostname of ahoy or OpenDTU API/web-interface |
DEFAULT | HTTPTimeout | Timeout when doing the HTTP request to the DTU or template. Default: 2.5 sec |
DEFAULT | Username | use if authentication required, leave empty if no authentication needed |
DEFAULT | Password | use if authentication required, leave empty if no authentication needed |
INVERTER0 | 1st Inverter | |
......... | ........... | |
INVERTER1 | 10th Inverter | |
INVERTERX | Phase | which Phase L1, L2, L3 to show |
INVERTERX | DeviceInstance | Unique ID identifying the OpenDTU in Venus OS |
INVERTERX | AcPosition | Position shown in Remote Console (0=AC input 1; 1=AC output; 2=AC input 2) |
INVERTERX | Servicename | com.victronenergy.pvinverter, com.victronenergy.acload, com.victronenergy.genset, com.victronenergy.grid etc. |
TEMPLATE0 | 1st Inverter | |
......... | ........... | |
TEMPLATEN | nth Inverter | |
TEMPLATEX | Host | IP or hostname of Template API/web-interface |
TEMPLATEX | Username | use if authentication required, leave empty if no authentication needed |
TEMPLATEX | Password | use if authentication required, leave empty if no authentication needed |
TEMPLATEX | DigestAuth | TRUE if authentication is required using Digest Auth, as for Shelly Plus Devices, False if you Basic Auth to be used |
TEMPLATEX | CUST_SN | Serialnumber to register device in VenusOS |
TEMPLATEX | CUST_API_PATH | Location of REST API Path for JSON to be used |
TEMPLATEX | CUST_POLLING | Polling interval in ms for Device |
TEMPLATEX | CUST_Total | Path in JSON where to find total Energy |
TEMPLATEX | CUST_Total_Mult | Multiplier to convert W per minute for example in kWh |
TEMPLATEX | CUST_Power | Path in JSON where to find actual Power |
TEMPLATEX | CUST_Power_Mult | Multiplier to convert W in negative or positive |
TEMPLATEX | CUST_Voltage | Path in JSON where to find actual Voltage |
TEMPLATEX | CUST_Current | Path in JSON where to find actual Current |
TEMPLATEX | Phase | which Phase L1, L2, L3 to show |
TEMPLATEX | DeviceInstance | Unique ID identifying the OpenDTU in Venus OS |
TEMPLATEX | AcPosition | Position shown in Remote Console (0=AC input 1; 1=AC output; 2=AC input 2) |
TEMPLATEX | Name | Name to be shown in VenusOS, use a descriptive name |
TEMPLATEX | Servicename | com.victronenergy.pvinverter, com.victronenergy.acload, com.victronenergy.genset, com.victronenergy.grid etc. |
Example for JSON PATH: use keywords separated by /
svstat /service/dbus-opendtu
show if the service (our script) is running. If number of seconds show is low, the it is probably restarting and you should look into /data/dbus-opendtu/current.log
stops the service and prevents it from being restarted (e.g. after a reboot).
installs the service persistently (see above).
restarts the service - e.g. after a config.ini change.
show all DBus values interactively.
Please open a new issue on github, only here we can work on your problem in a structured way:
Please provide the config.ini and JSON file and upload to the github issues, you can download the JSON file using your browser or using a commandline like tool like curl.
Type of DTU | URL |
OpenDTU | http://REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_IP_OR_HOSTNAME/api/livedata/status |
Ahoy | http://REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_IP_OR_HOSTNAME/api/live |
Template Tasmota | http://REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_IP_OR_HOSTNAME/cm?cmnd=STATUS+8 |
Template Shelly 1 | http://REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_IP_OR_HOSTNAME/status |
Template Shelly Plus | http://REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_IP_OR_HOSTNAME/rpc/Switch.GetStatus?id=0 |
Template Your Own | You will know best |
OpenDTU Curl example which uses jq to make the output pretty:
curl http://REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_IP_OR_HOSTNAME/api/livedata/status | jq > export.json
also describe the problem as best as you can.
Please also show, what you can see in Venus OS and VRM Portal, as the source of truth is Venus OS and not VRM.
For openDTU, you can use authentication for the web Interface, but allow access to the status page unauthenticated. For this please use the settings like below.
- DBus paths for Victron namespace
- DBus API from Victron
- How to get root access on GX device/Venus OS
This module/repository has been posted on the following threads:
(Don't be confused that the config they used is not the actual one.)
- Meine Energiewende
- Schatten PV