This project is a Sandbox for start a Symfony 3 project quickly
In this project you have :
FOSUserBundle pre-configured with a basic User class and all routes (/login, /register, /resetting)
All major FOSUserBundle templates are already overrode in app/Resources/FOSUserBundle/views
DoctrineFixturesBundle installed :
- You can load the fixtures with
php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load
- You will get 2 accounts in your DB :
- Login : admin, Password : admin with ROLE_ADMIN
- Login : user, Password : user with ROLE_USER
- You can load the fixtures with
An AdminController :
- Prefixed with /admin in routing.yml
- All routes require ROLE_ADMIN
- A default admin_home view
An UserController:
- Prefixed with /user in routing.yml
- All routes require ROLE_USER or ROLE_ADMIN
- A default user_home view
A default route /redirect-after-login in AppBundle:Controller:DefaultController
A default main.css in web/css
A starter template with Bootstrap 3 CSS|JS and jQuery
For quickly send emails, you can use MailGun for get :
- mailer_host
- mailer_user
- mailer_password
And configure them in parameters.yml